5* Iron Patriot - 5* Vulture - How to beat Act 6.1.1 No Retreat

Having checked out the latest videos and reddit post, can anyone explain to me how my new 5* Iron Patriot and 5* Vulture are going to beat Paths 1-10? Thanks!
Seriously though I believe it seems like a pretty manageable node but we'll see lol. It's not like you swipe back and immediately receive damage, there's skill on it.
Dr. Zola
The goal is to have the enemy lose more health than you. You can block or swipe back enemy attacks. Once you do that the timer will start. If you swipe back again you will degenerate while the timer is active.
If not sure about the fighting mechanics I'm sure there is going to be some good youtube videos out. I would also check DDD website he has some good intro to fighting videos.
Best of luck on act 6!