Best to Worst Mystic Champs

TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
What is the tier list for all the mystic champs in the game best to worst?
Please have one list for duped and another for unduped


  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Its just your opinion
    iron fist is a disgrace for mystic class
  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    Mephisto is one hell of a low rated Mystic champ. He can literally run a full lane in AW without breaking sweat (in mid tiers). He is a counter to those hidden and annoying mutants / cosmics, can regen a decent amount, has power control once per fight, power gain, incinerate.

    And especially this EQ, he melts Cap Marvel on uncollected.
    VooDoo and Magik are pretty awesome and the only ones I consider at par with him.
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    Surprised no one has symbiote supreme maybe he is to new people still forget about him
  • blazingskyx27blazingskyx27 Member Posts: 42
    Mephisto is the only decent mystic I got, and I'm already in Chapter 3 of Act 3 of Story Quest. Mines a 3 star champ , Rank 3. Most of my 4 star champs are a bunch of cosmics ( Thor, Captain Marvel , Ms. Marvel ) and a couple of Skills ( CW Black Panther & Crossbones ). I hope to open a 5 star champion soon and praying to the Kabam gods I get a 5 star god tier mystic champs, like Scarlet Witch & Magik and hope they kick Thanos ass. If not, no choice but rank up Mephisto and fight like crazy.
  • Blubfish_666Blubfish_666 Member Posts: 237
    Symbiote supreme, magik, Morningstar. I don’t particularly like mystic champs. The rest are bad straight up no cap
  • Cutless_XCutless_X Member Posts: 53
    Theres too many different situations to say "whose the best and worst", but for me its:

    SSupreme (i dont have a high ranking one, but i love playing with my 3*)

    Unawakened UC
    Iron fist (normal, immortal is actually decent awakened)
    Doc Strange (unfortunately, his nullify is still nice though)
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  • Eapoq42Eapoq42 Member Posts: 32
    The Hood is massively underrated.

    He's good to begin with but if you have synergy with Ghost he starts the fight with invisibility and I find it means I can put a lot of opponents down before they even get a chance to hit me.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    I would say:
    1. Symbiote Supreme
    2. Ghost Rider
    3. Magik
    4. Doctor Voodoo (when awakened)
    5. Mephisto
    6. Scarlet Witch (when awakened)
    7. Morningstar (when awakened)
    8. Dormammu
    9. The Hood
    10. Morningstar (when unawakened)
    11. Mordo
    12. Guillotine
    13. Doctor Strange (when awakened)
    14. Loki
    15. Thor (Jane Foster)
    16. Doctor Voodoo (when unawakened)
    17. Scarlet Witch (when unawakened)
    18. Doctor Strange (when unawakened)
    19. Diablo
    20. Juggernaut/UC
    21. Iron Fist
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Eapoq42 said:

    The Hood is massively underrated.

    He's good to begin with but if you have synergy with Ghost he starts the fight with invisibility and I find it means I can put a lot of opponents down before they even get a chance to hit me.

    Awakened, the power control is sometimes more useful. I noticed with the Ghost synergy, it actually puts you in a disadvantage as you let the opponent gain power, so you need spend to invisibility time on baiting or let them build it all the way to three bars while you unleash your own sp3.
  • REiiGN15REiiGN15 Member Posts: 120
    Honestly, they could redo the old champs and as far as comics go, Iron Fist has waaaaaay more to him than just punching and kicking really hard. Colossus and Unstoppable Colossus suffer the same fate in that not much thought was put into them when they were created. At the time, it made sense not to have either one immune to everything like they should be. They should be revisited though.
  • Ibrah10Ibrah10 Member Posts: 8
    Eapoq42 said:

    The Hood is massively underrated.

    He's good to begin with but if you have synergy with Ghost he starts the fight with invisibility and I find it means I can put a lot of opponents down before they even get a chance to hit me.

    Did you know you can just dash back and hold block to activate invisibility. Ghost synergy seems like a waste to me. Use dorms or mephisto for increased energy damage ect

  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Holy necromorphisis this was revived
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