Where are the t5 class bundles offer (3/13/19) [Merged Threads]



  • GottesfurchtGottesfurcht Member Posts: 14
    When will the issue be fixed? I bought the offer with T5 CC. Bur not after fixing the issue. After exploration Act 6 I would buy the offer for Rank up 5* to Rank 5 for 12000 units. But only if the issue be fixed and I got back my units during 24 hours.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,936 ★★★★
    Not only does the offer not show up, after restarting, the email for the offer is gone, lol.

    Maybe kabam realized they were giving away too much so they quickly made it go away 😂
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,936 ★★★★
    Seriously, kabam.

    You guys mess up so those who took advantage of the offer now has to pay for it but u taking back what they purchase?

    Imagine if they players took back the money they invested in leveling up a player only to have u nerf that player.

    Imagine that.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    When are we going to get an update on this? Should we buy it and what should we expect now from it?
  • Vale84Vale84 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike i'd like an ETA on this, i logged when the offer was already removed, and i was looking to buy the first offer, but none are showing up. when are you guys putting them back fixed?
  • ShogzShogz Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2019
    @Kabam Miike how can you say these crystals paid out incorrect amounts of shards, they are the exact same crystals you promote in the rewards section of the act 6 release note. Please explain, no way should you be able to recall these items. People loaded units onto account specifically for this reason. And now they will end up with the choice of pointless units or poor rewards. Not good enough, wouldn't surprise me if spenders stopped spending. @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • ShogzShogz Member Posts: 9

  • ShogzShogz Member Posts: 9
    These are the crystals you offered in the package
  • ShogzShogz Member Posts: 9


    There was an issue with the Tier 5 Catalyst bundle offers that was released earlier today that we will be rectifying.

    The Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals included in the 2nd tier of the Bundle were meant to award 900 T5CC Fragments, but instead included 11250 Fragments per crystal.

    This mistake would accelerate our plans to release T5CC Fragments much quicker than intended, and could result in long term harm to the Game’s Economy and Balance.

    We have pulled down the offer, and are working to fixing it. If you have already triggered this offer, you will continue to see it as available. Any Summoner that has bought this offer will have the items removed, and will receive a unit refund for their purchases. The offer will be available again once the issue has been rectified.

    We are very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding in the matter.

    Please check release note if act 6. You are aware of these crystals you offered today. Disgraceful behaviour glfrom. Your company.
  • ForgotN_SoldierForgotN_Soldier Member Posts: 30
    Well you are worried about your game economy, Then you should not take back items that was advertised. Not sure what you would call it...False advertising, or kabamscam. Pretty sure your economy will suffer far more now since can’t trust in what is advertised is what u will get. If I wanted units I would have bought units.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Oh so surprising we haven't had any response to the fact that every time in the last year mostly they've screwed up and gave people something they shouldn't have gotten, they've been able to keep it. Now, this is all of a sudden where they draw the line to start making reversals that according to them are incredibly difficult (variant gems xmas AG). I guess they either aren't really that hard or you're just completely full of it as to the percentage of players benefiting being the reason for not reversing the prior instances
  • PoolPool Member Posts: 117
    If you want to take back resources take back both offers. I bought first one because it unlocked second offer.
    Give me full 8500 refund. Ill go for act 6 deal.
  • ShogzShogz Member Posts: 9
    Still no response?
  • 5tarscream5tarscream Member Posts: 95
    This thread in a nutshell "I tried to get something I wasn't entitled to and now i'm mad that I can't have it."
  • Night_OwlNight_Owl Member, Content Creators Posts: 72 Content Creator
    My Act 6.1 exploration bundle is expiring in 14 hours. Hope I can get my 8500 units back before it expired.
  • ClynevaClyneva Member Posts: 78 ★★
    Their response would probably be for you to read the sentence right after, which you convenient cropped out...

  • Drat32Drat32 Member Posts: 34
    @Kabam Miike Will the 2nd Tier of the bundle be pushed out today? I bought the first tier and planned on buying the 2nd tier, but it was no longer available. I don’t want to have to buy both tiers again.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Drat32 said:

    @Kabam Miike Will the 2nd Tier of the bundle be pushed out today? I bought the first tier and planned on buying the 2nd tier, but it was no longer available. I don’t want to have to buy both tiers again.

    They already said they are going to refund everything, and rollback your account and refund your units.

    So, yes, you will have to re-buy everything again.
  • MirageNoirMirageNoir Member Posts: 73
    Could you please shed light and be more specific on the tier 5 bundle offer reimbursement? By the time I wanted to buy the offer due to the spreading word of the amount of t5c shards in those crystals I bought the first offer which was supposed to unlock the second offer. Only that the second offer then didn’t exist anymore. I would have never bought that first offer if I had known the second offer would be pulled. Unfortunately the ingame email as well as forum announcement doesn’t specify that also first offer purchase will be reversed. I contacted support twice, but only get an automated message even though I asked specifically not to just send me the auto bot message, but to actually answer my question. Can someone here please clarify for me? I assume in my case i get the deal reversed and get my units back.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Have they made the offer again. Seems if they communicated, all this confusion wouldn’t be here
  • Drat32Drat32 Member Posts: 34
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos Is there any update on if or when 2nd Tier of T5B bundle will be available?
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Still upset with this, stuck with units I purchased to buy the disappeared offer and no way to get my money back. Totally fraudulent activity !
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Kpatrix said:

    Still upset with this, stuck with units I purchased to buy the disappeared offer and no way to get my money back. Totally fraudulent activity !

    ya. surprised they haven't said anything about it.

  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    This is the same company that advertised Darkhawk having a synergy with AA that enhanced AAs bleeds.

    Then said that the advertisement was wrong.

    Leaving many summoners screwed after they spent hundreds on FGMC.

    Luckily apple/Android refunded their money when Kabam lied using the bait and switch tactic that is illegal in the United States.

    So why the surprise.

    I love this game but I have been free to play since Darkhawk was breaking the game.

    And now every new champ has the game beaking bullshyt
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Hey guys,

    Just asking for an update on this refund? Since you guys are taking away the items and reimbursing our units. I would just like to get an update on the time frame. I'm guessing with my units back I can just go for a 100% clear of act 6, but would like to know so i can plan around it.

    @Kabam Miike
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    This whole offer was a couple of French fries short of a happy meal, and no ketchup either !!
  • BigHeroSquadBigHeroSquad Member Posts: 50
    Can we please have an ETA for this to be rectified?
  • Vale84Vale84 Member Posts: 308 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike bump.

    Im part of a wide number of summoners that logged in for the deal when you had already removed it from the offers. Are we getting an ETA of when and IF you ll give the deal up for grabs again?
  • BigHeroSquadBigHeroSquad Member Posts: 50
    edited March 2019
    Ok...so zero response is a bit rude.
  • arsjumarsjum Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    Still no update? We'd like to get our units back and use them appropriately (to rebuy the same offer or use elsewhere). I'm also holding off any rank ups requiring t2a because I'm concerned resource withdrawal might mess up with it. Would be nice to get at least an ETA on this.
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