Android Beta Mess

Android Beta test was forced on me. Now game is super laggy, at times practically unplayable, and it frequently crashes at the end of fights before registering. I won fights twice this AQ with no damage only to lose half health. Also ai is very different, which I guess is part of the test, but with no warning the adjustment is rediculous.
I didn't ask to be a part of this. This game is supposed to be fun. This isn't fun, this sucks.
I didn't ask to be a part of this. This game is supposed to be fun. This isn't fun, this sucks.
I know you forget Android user because you develop the game on iOS and then some 3rd party will port on Android i worked in the past with big brand so I know how it works ... but tell to this guys that it is better they will go to make somebody else because the game they release for Android will stuck and lags and crash a lot of the time and sometime it don't even start to finish loading the game. I know for you is a game but for us is a faith so we trust in Kabam so I hope you will seriously working on Android version because the current state now is a waste of time and MONEY please listen to your customers.... if you want I can provide also video of how the game is bad ...
What happened to the Google Play exclusives? I used to see those from time to time but now they're just gone.