Seeking 3 Active members

The Crimson Coalition (_CxC_) is searching for 3 active members.
About us:
No donations. You get to keep what you’ve earned
We run AQ/AW with only 2 battle groups. You can decide when/if you want to join
We run Map 3 and Map 4; on the rare occasion we have played Map 5
In AW, we bounce between tiers 9 and 11. Currently in tier 9, silver 2 bracket. In prior seasons, we were in Gold 3.
Alliance is made up of veteran players (working on act 6) and players who are working towards being uncollected and everything else in between.
Time zone won’t be an issue. We have players from numerous time zones, scattered everywhere.
The Line app is required for communication.
Family friendly chat room.
Adult alliance
What we expect:
An active player
A player who will communicate
A player who can clear an AW path without needing assistance and who can handle a mini-boss when called upon.
If this sounds like an alliance that you would enjoy being apart of, please contact me.
Line app id: quinsfan
You can also reach out to me via this message.
Thanks for interest in my alliance. Take care.
About us:
No donations. You get to keep what you’ve earned
We run AQ/AW with only 2 battle groups. You can decide when/if you want to join
We run Map 3 and Map 4; on the rare occasion we have played Map 5
In AW, we bounce between tiers 9 and 11. Currently in tier 9, silver 2 bracket. In prior seasons, we were in Gold 3.
Alliance is made up of veteran players (working on act 6) and players who are working towards being uncollected and everything else in between.
Time zone won’t be an issue. We have players from numerous time zones, scattered everywhere.
The Line app is required for communication.
Family friendly chat room.
Adult alliance
What we expect:
An active player
A player who will communicate
A player who can clear an AW path without needing assistance and who can handle a mini-boss when called upon.
If this sounds like an alliance that you would enjoy being apart of, please contact me.
Line app id: quinsfan
You can also reach out to me via this message.
Thanks for interest in my alliance. Take care.