Just Finished Realm Of Legends
It was done by accident in way. I was trying to test out my She Hulk that I just ranked up from 1 to 2. So I put in She Hulk, Elextra, Daredevil, and Hyperion. My plan was use Hyperion for Winter Soldier cause She Hulk can't reset Fury passives when fighting skill champions. By the time I reached Rhino I was like let's try to do this. And I did. Didn't even use a revive just 5 potions. Juggernaut almost ended it because I couldn't time my parries right. Scarlet Witch was a pain.
Did you pretified him with she hulk?
Or was the fifth slot you didn't mentioned for like void or Guilly, So you could reverse his heal?
On my second account, i can use a 5/50 SL(duped, obviously) for everyone, But the only champ i have on that account that could counter Wolvie is a She-Hulk 2/35, will it work due to her petrify? i Could also use She-hulk for SW due to her poison immunity.
Congrats on the achievement btw.
I personally beat wolvie with my 2/35 duped SL no boosts.
It was a helluva long fight. 870 hits.