My new 5 star Sabretooth

This made me so happy!!! My previous 5 star luck was trash. I had Thor Jane Foster, She Hulk (pre buff), Rocket Racoon. I have She hulk and now Sabretooth at R2, which I feel can be a solid duo to lead me to the promised land.
Side note I just finished exploring three and just started act 4 this week, so this was perfect timing
Side note I just finished exploring three and just started act 4 this week, so this was perfect timing
That is an awesome pull! I wish I had a 5 star Sabretooth! I am a little jealous! She-hulk and Sabretooth at R2 sound like a great duo to have! Congratulations!
Sabretooth clutched 3 fights like this in Act 5.4 for me. Glad you like him OP. And congrats!
I also have been blessed with a 5* sabertooth
Really helpful
Personally, I love thor Jane foster.
Hopefully in time ull like her roo