Ironman: Infinity War

So I have been meeting IMIW in literally every AW ever since he became aviliable. And this guy is just way too op. He has Unblockable SP1, basicly unhittable under 15% hp and insane armor that can't he nullified or fed to MD. I am not an endgame player (I am just Uncollected), and always had issues fighting him.
Also it is really suspicious how often people are getting him from crystals. Kabam is either giving him out too often or it's coincidence happening against all odds (I mean what is the chance that over last 2 months, 3 members of my alliance got him consecutively[2x in a row] in 4* Crystal ?)
What I want to say is, that this is basicly a mockery to Diversity in AW. Alliances can put more than 10 of these guys in AW, but their kill output easily outcomes the diversity loss. And my alliance is not some beginner noobs. Last season we ranked in Gold 2 and we have some very good players. I can't even imagine how insane must be beginner alliance AW, because everyone is getting IMIW and in starts of game, it must be hell to fight him.
So I would like as many of you as possible to share your thoughts on him and on potentially nerfing this boy a bit. Thanks everyone for reading this
P.S.: Am I the only one who thinks that Kabam makes good use of Seasons ? Introducing great rewards and giving out insane defenders (First IMIW, now Champion who counters best attackers) equals MONEY $$$
Also it is really suspicious how often people are getting him from crystals. Kabam is either giving him out too often or it's coincidence happening against all odds (I mean what is the chance that over last 2 months, 3 members of my alliance got him consecutively[2x in a row] in 4* Crystal ?)
What I want to say is, that this is basicly a mockery to Diversity in AW. Alliances can put more than 10 of these guys in AW, but their kill output easily outcomes the diversity loss. And my alliance is not some beginner noobs. Last season we ranked in Gold 2 and we have some very good players. I can't even imagine how insane must be beginner alliance AW, because everyone is getting IMIW and in starts of game, it must be hell to fight him.
So I would like as many of you as possible to share your thoughts on him and on potentially nerfing this boy a bit. Thanks everyone for reading this
P.S.: Am I the only one who thinks that Kabam makes good use of Seasons ? Introducing great rewards and giving out insane defenders (First IMIW, now Champion who counters best attackers) equals MONEY $$$
Yeah, you're right. After everyone ranked him, it'd be stab in the back. But bringing champions who can fight him... That's somebody with armor break all the time (IF), or somebody with True Strike (Heimdall, Venom, Karnak, Cable). And for these five champions (outta ca. 150 champs in the game) you have only 1:30 probability to get them. Not even mentioning that some are not very useful in other fights
I'm not saying they're all good, but it's definitely possible
If you don't know what heavy intercepting is, try searching for it
He changed his name in game
Look up heavy intercepting and practice by dueling someone so he will be able to parry.
I personally would never put him as a defender because I think he is too easy. I love seeing an AW defense littered with IMIW. Apart from the beautiful charges it grants Corvus, it makes for simple fights for me.
Some videos:
Here is a practice target: