The Gold Problem

Please address the gold issue as not all of us are whales and can afford to open 1000s of cavalier crystals to get the iso. We have not received a single and permanent solution to the gold problem in ages. Please think about the players who just want to play casually and not spend their entire lives in their bedrooms playing arenas or dungeons. I have no idea why gold needs to be a problem, but it still is...
If you’re playing casually and you want to rank up the champs you have then you’ll need to plan ahead in terms of catalysts, iso and gold, and since you’re playing casually (as in no arena grind, no alliance requirements/obligations) you’ll have all time in the world to do so.....if that’s not fast enough than you’re just impatient.
When I 1st set out to max rank all my 2* & 3* champs as well as taking all my 4* champs to at least rank 3, I planned ahead. Took me a year and a half to achieve that goal, a big part of this game is planning & taking your time.
But just like what @Epistriatus said, it all comes down to planning ahead. You should rank and level up only those that are most appropriate and suitable for your current stage in terms of game progress. Even if there was a permanent gold realm you'd still run out of gold if you just couldn't resist ranking and leveling everything up as if they're important to where you're at.
I have around 20 4*s still "untouched" just because I'm prioritizing 5*s now in my roster. I will R2 at least all 5*s before R2ing any 4* in my current roster, especially now that Act 6 is out and you can no longer use 4*s in Act 6.
1. On hold rank up for a while
2. Grind all arenas (at least up to 3rd or 4th milestones)
3. Accumulate ISOs (in exchange for gold in case of need)
4. Sell champs (not recommenced but it is a way)
5. Accumulate units and redeem gold crystal
6. Become Pay-to-win guy (not recommended as well but it’s up to you lol)
Anyway it’s a resources management at the end. I have many 5* pending rank up and the only bottleneck is gold at that moment. I can tell you if there is no gold issue, my bottleneck will then be changed to T2a (for r4 5*) and T5c.
Take a chill pill
Spread love
They have continuously taken action towards fixing the gold problem. They've never come out and said it though but look at their actions.
These are direct solutions to the gold problem:
Arena gold increase for the first few milestones
AQ - Decrease in cost
Peak Milestones for summoner advancement
Champion Acquisition. More ways than ever to get champs and dupes
So yes, you can acquire gold just by playing pretty casually. one of the things that really helped me was Dungeons. people hate them and that's fine, but since they came out i haven't had an issue with gold.
Focus on priority rank ups, you won't run out on gold or other resources. If you are willing to get the gold when you need from the methods available, that is laziness. Don't blame those issues on the game. Blame them on yourself.
It’s not an issue with gold. It’s an issue with priorities.
People just wanna rank their sparkly new champs without thinking whether they will use them.
You will always have a shortage of something. The "gold shortage" is due to the fact that people used to complain about a T4CC shortage which was addressed, and a 5* crystal shortage which was addressed, and a T4B and T1A shortage which was addressed. Whenever Kabam increases the rate of anything, bottlenecks just move around. They even made adjustments to gold but it is never going to be enough, because even if they just handed everyone trillions of gold, all that would happen would be everyone would run out of catalysts to rank things up and start complaining about the huge catalyst shortage that only people who play all day in their bedrooms don't experience.
Everyone has a shortage of something. You're supposed to manage your resources around that shortage. For some players it is gold. For other players it is something else. But it is always something. That's intentional.
I hear a lot of people say that they don't want to grind arena, they don't want to spend glory on gold crystals, etc. And sure, some of those things are time consuming, and some of those things don't have the best value. But if you're stuck behind a bottleneck, *that* is the most important thing to work on. If you'd rather do other things or decide the other things don't have enough value, that's your choice.