Back Issues other difficulty

Anyone else that was hoping a difficulty between beginner and Variant? Beginner just isn't worth my time and I wouldn't be able to do variant without blowing a lot of revives or potions so I don't bother.
Seems kind of weird that Kabam would have this Back Issues functionality that only covers beginners and really advanced players...i'm guessing most of the people playing this game are somewhere in-between
Seems kind of weird that Kabam would have this Back Issues functionality that only covers beginners and really advanced players...i'm guessing most of the people playing this game are somewhere in-between
We don't have an easier version of RoL or LoL, just like we don't have an easier version of Variant difficulties
Not every quest should have something for everything. I was thankful they put in the beginner, so I could have the reminder. But I don’t want them building the game to my level. I want something to strive for.
I understand what you are saying, but it simply shouldn’t be that there is a mid tier for everyone.
And, I thought Back Issues were going to be permanent content?
Assuming you've just reached the mid-game and are uncollected.
The rewards you'll be accumulating are very good just by completing Uncollected every month. Then add on Master Mode at least and you're looking at 2 weeks of content without using refills. You're getting rewarding for that energy and time spent in the game. Top end rewards that everyone else at that level is getting. No one is getting more.
Got to work on Story mode too. Unless you've completed every bit of content in the game, there's still the EQ's that they release every month for you to get the energy out for. Got Act 4 to 100% which is a mammoth bit of content. Act 5 which is a long bit as well.
Here's main point #1: you can't tell me that you have enough energy and or time to complete all of that and still make time for another bit of permanent content. Variant difficulty is ONLY for end game players. and keep it that way for when you get to that point.
Main Point #2: Imagine them adding another difficulty in-between Classic and Variant. The rewards can't be another more than lets say a heroic difficulty would be. It would be arguably counter-productive for you to complete this content given the length of it and time needed to complete it. You'd be much better off reward wise to complete other bits of content.
I feel they should've just bumped up the difficulty in classic to the modern standards of the game and award mid tier rewards. As it is, who exactly is bothering with classic mode?
I wasn't around when those monthly EQs originally came out. I would love to do them because I never got a chance to. Variant doesn't allow me to do that and the easy difficulty is just a laught so i dont' bother with either. It might be hard to believe but I would like to do them because I never got the chance to when they first came out.
You don't complete uncollected because it's too hard? Yet you're a cavalier. Spare me...thank you for admitting you haven't completed act 5 because it sounds to be that you validated my point. Embrace those challenges because there's plenty for you to do.