Is The New Act 6 the hardest Act To Complete ???

Well the new Act is out and Dork or Katy Candy has not done a Video on how to beat it so what do you all think is it hard or can you breeze right though it like a real MCOC champ

6.1.2 I found difficult with sentinel mini boss and Ultron boss
6.1.3, 6.1.4 and 6.1.5 are pretty simple until you hit the bio hazard, regen crossbones.
That took me quite a few units but I only had rank 3 unawakened Omega Red as a viable option.
6.1.6 I've restarted a few times trying to find a path I can do without too many units
The Sym Supreme on the fury only damage line in 6.1.6 was the other terrible fight.
Isn't that Rulk on a Poison node? Void is gonna get torn through on it.
Personally I used Iceman to just fight through the 1% regen. Otherwise a Rulk would work as well imo.
RHulk vs RHulk is a nightmare. Doesn’t work well because the extra heat damage you deal is instantly converted into heat charges for him and with 10 of them he gets ridiculous physical resistance. I found sentinel to be the best option. Just spam sp1.
But got a 5* EF and 6* Ghost for my efforts so... whatever. Don't care.
Dr. Zola
That's not to say I didn't stack the deck in my favor. Void is sig 200, I've got willpower active, and Killmonger helped to keep Void's health even higher.
Theoretically, you don't even need a rank 5 to do this. Since the poison is based on percentages instead of straight damage and considering the damage comes from reversing the regen, you can get this done with a rank 1 Void...just make sure your dexterity & intercept skills are on point.