Beta wars.

Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
We as a collective think a fun addition to these betas would be specialty titles for those who actually partake and perform throughout it. Similar to let’s say war elite but obviously not that. We feel that “master beta” would be a fun unique title to have. Just our .02¢ on making a fun little perk.


  • Joel92598Joel92598 Member Posts: 82
    As the leader of the #1 alliance in the beta, I believe this is a great idea. We have been working extremely hard since the beta began and have not missed any wars when we have all been awake. It’s time to show some love to this dedicated player group we have here!
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    @chunkyb deserves his credit for this marvelous idea.
  • CobsCobs Member Posts: 103
    edited March 2019
    As owner of cob island in the #1 alliances beta map i fully support this idea. A “master beta” title would recognize our hard work and dedication to making beta wars great again.
  • ScottLangScottLang Member Posts: 149
    edited March 2019
    I agree weve put a lot of time into trying to continually matchup against alliance to fully test the beta, we should get some kind of recognition for this tittle would be sweet or keeping the loyalty recived within the beta = )
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    Smh. What beta is this for? I wasn’t aware there wasn’t one going on
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2019
    Potential season 10 war maps and nodes..

    I would also like to add that contrary to the alliance name... we are being quite serious about this.
  • XN0nameXXN0nameX Member Posts: 39
    I agree with that, a fun title and wouldn’t hurt anyone
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Current favorite thread lol.

    And honestly, they've busted their butts in the beta. The title would be awesome and hilarious. Even if it was only for April 1, they'd forever be legends.

    Also brings up a few ideas. Thru the beta, these guys have been able to put together a team of friends from different alliances... People they wouldn't normally get to play alongside in a competitive way. That's a really cool aspect of the beta.

    Added to that, nothing they do in beta wars effects their alliance in any way. They're still playing aq at their home allis, still doing alliance events.

    I still think that war being separated from alliances completely would be a very fun move with a lot of potential. These new nodes are extremely challenging and will further the stresses put on alliances. That makes it harder to stay together over the long haul. There are a lot of factors that make alliances fall apart... But performance issues, difficulty in recruiting, and simple stress of the season are at the top of the list.

    If wars were a side game, it would alleviate all of that... And from what this group shows, could heighten the competitiveness and fun. Plus, with team-based competitive content that's outside of the alliance structure.. Kabam would have more ability to change things up, add some difficulty or creativity that wouldn't have such a huge impact on alliances
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    I’ll be completely honest, I’ve lnown the vast majority of these cats from numerous different end game line chats. The 30 of us getting together like this has more than made it very fun and enjoyable. More than the gme has been since seasons started and the game became volatile.. As chunky said we’re re all in different spots of the game now. Some run 7x5 but low tier war due to burnout or spending limits. Some run free AQ due to lack of donation resources and masters war with pretty much everything in between.

    We brought chunky into our beta chat and played 20 questions. There was a lot of insight as to certain aspects of the game and what we still enjoy about it and what we put up with because we have to.. the war focus/AQ focus divide is growing more every week and dividing the community causing retirements of long time veterans.

    With things like act 6 just coming out and variant it gave the top something to keep ourselves occupied for a short time but a lot of us railed it out and are bored again. Splitting war and AQ would give people the means to cater both to what they want and coordinate both with friends they want to play with and ideal time zones.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    this thread is too obfuscated for my liking
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    I assure you there is no such obfuscation.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    edited March 2019

    Cob island currently has a vacancy if anyone would like to apply for the position.
    Cobs said:

    As owner of cob island in the #1 alliances beta map i fully support this idea. A “master beta” title would recognize our hard work and dedication to making beta wars great again.

  • DarthHaasDarthHaas Member Posts: 385 ★★
    These debates are great I feel that my interactions in the forum also should earn me a title to show my dedication to the game. Just something small like master debater
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,134 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    In the spirit of aw we actually match up vs 2nd highest rank alliance in the beta.

    We fought hard and together we overcame alot of the tough/new nodes.

    Its an amazing experience that i am playing with 29 other people that i know...but in the main game we are all from different alliances and have different goals.. all each possesing a certain strength in allaince war.

    But in the beta, we had 1 Goal...
    To be the best alliance in the first ever alliance war beta test

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit

  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239

  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator

    In the spirit of aw we actually match up vs 2nd highest rank alliance in the beta.

    We fought hard and together we overcame alot of the tough/new nodes.

    Its an amazing experience that i am playing with 29 other people that i know...but in the main game we are all from different alliances and have different goals.. all each possesing a certain strength in allaince war.

    But in the beta, we had 1 Goal...
    To be the best alliance in the first ever alliance war beta test

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit

    And I have to shamelessly plug my idea again lol. This post just reinforces the rebirth of fun wars.

    They're fun because they get a great challenge, get to play with others that they usually wouldn't, and it doesn't effect their alliance or its goals in the least.

    Cobs described it something like full scale dungeon wars. Which is pretty dead on.

    You can even cut it back to teams of 10 players to make it more lightweight if you wanted. Toss 10 teams into a round robin dungeon war scenario and let em fight it out. Teams get grouped by war rating (here's another example of where individual player war rating would shine) or prestige. Top team from each of these groupings gets a shiny new master-style title... Kings of the Battlerealm maybe.

    If you wanted to take it a step further, it could easily translate into the bracketed playoff system many have talked about. Maybe I just have March Madness (I do... And war eagle, by the way), but "survive and advance" has a lot of potential.
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239

    It’s with a sad and heavy heart our little merry band of misfits is being led to slaughter. It was a good run fellas. Long live cob island!!
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    Be easy, we shall reunite again some day.

  • MasterB8terMasterB8ter Member Posts: 8
    While OP's title proposal is a great idea, I'm afraid it sounds dangerously close to my name. I'd hate to have to spank a copyright infringement lawsuit on you OP. Now, i don't say this to be a jerk. Off-topic, you guys run into a thanos in the beta? I beat that purple-headed meat sack w/o issue. Anyway, It was a stoke of luck that i ran across this thread, but I'm glad i came upon it.
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2019
    Whilst I admire your courageous efforts in attempting to thwart our mission for said title.. I must inform you that it is all for naught. If you would be so kind as to proffer said copyright, be aware it must include all variations of spelling. Failure to do so will result in our panel of attorneys being forced to file motions for defamation of character and heinous acts of slander. Under but not limited to article 6 section 4A sub paragraph 4,8,12 of the constitution of cobs island.
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,134 ★★★★★
    Ima gona miss u guys...maybe in the main server we will cross paths again...may it be war or the line chats...always remember!!
  • Joel92598Joel92598 Member Posts: 82
    Still waiting on our title... @Kabam Miike
  • Dakine86Dakine86 Member Posts: 239
    Still waiting.... @Joel92598
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