Frame Rate on Razer phone

been using this phone specifically for mcoc and the update today has massively thrown it off, have yous changed the frame rate or set a max because im used of the 120hz on the razer phone
We've found the issue and are preparing a server side fix. We're hoping to have this up tomorrow!
New events are great but we need to be able to play them
but when playing since the update on the 01-04-19 its completely done for.
i dont understand how hard it is to fix something so simple
FPS lag, lag spikes, unable to react to attacks from the lag so start uncollected and instant death.
Please explain this in full with an actual date on when the fix WILL be fixed im fed up
at least i could play the arena and aq and aw on the old
now its all ****
Apologies for the delay here, but this fix is still a work in progress. We'll be sure to let you know when it goes live. Thanks for your patience!
so as far as i know they dont even know theres a FPS issue and could completely ignore it, which is why im wanting to clarify with @Kabam Lyra
Can't say the same for me
@Kabam Lyra
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Lyra Could either of you give us an ETA for the fix for the Razer Phone FPS issue. I understand that this update and recent hotfix has been a mess for you guys, and you're probably trying to put out fires everywhere right now, but honestly it would be nice to keep the few of us who are using these particular devices in the loop in regards to an actual fix for our issue. I'd like to be able to use the Energy Refills I have in my stash that are going to expire, but I'm not willing to waste them, and units, to attempt the Monthly EQ with the frame rate issues, both on Razer Phone and Android in general, when it makes the game practically unplayable. I know I don't speak for everyone in the community, but I can deal with general character bugs more so, than not having a proper frame rate.