Everyone who says ghost is best

Give me some tips. Lmao,just recently R5d my
Duped 4* now I have the 5* but I am not that good with her,does she NEED suicides?
Duped 4* now I have the 5* but I am not that good with her,does she NEED suicides?
Ghost doesn’t necessarily need her synergies to be god, they help a lot. You have to become a skilled ghost player to do it without the synergies.
Watch some YouTube videos on her, she requires a lot of practice. Also requires for you to be patient while the champs are missing their hits.
Yes. She benefits greatly from suicides. Moreso than any champ in the game. She turns the debuffs into Fury, and with the Hood synergy, can bypass recoil. She stands alone in this regard. She’s good without them, but suicides are what make her the best...if you can play her.
Does she NEED them? No. But she becomes insane when you run them with full synergies.
Note that Ghost does not "need" any synergies, nor to be awakened to be effective.
She is extremely useful just "as is" ..
Her awakened ability makes her MORE useful .. definitely
and synergies can really give her a bump .. see below
Dash Back - triggers phasing.
When you trigger phasing, any Damage Over Time debuffs are purged (ie bleed, poison, incinerate, degen, etc.)
When phased, The AI will do one of the following:
1) Opponent starts a combo on you
2) opponent turtles up defensively
3) Opponent hesitates a bit, before attacking.
4) opponent throws a special
Here's how you handle each case:
1) Opponent starts a combo on you
- wait for opponent to attack you
- resist urge to block, just stand there .. do nothing ... until ...
- after 2 attacks, start your combo: M-L-L-L
Note: with practice you can start your combo after their first attack, but timing is a bit trickier
- I find best results by not finishing 5 hit combo, YMMV .. experiment a bit yourself
- after your combo, dash back to phase again.
2) opponent turtles up defensively
- when this happens, you're at most risk, since the crit buff you gain for phasing still persists
and you cannot phase with this buff up .. you need to waste time ... be patient.
- if you're good with intercept, you can attempt this as after a moment, they'll likely come at you.
- alternately, you attack into their block 1 or 2, then back off,
- maybe even parry if they don't do huge dmg, and aren't unblockable.
- otherwise, just dodge/evade "like a ninja" (TM Dorky Dave) until you can phase again.
3) Opponent hesitates a bit, before attacking.
- depending on the delay, you either follow option 1 or option 2.
- the trick to be careful of is you may not have enough phasing time left to allow them to attack twice
before you start your combo . You can start your combo after just 1 attack, but timing is trickier ...
- if in doubt, follow instructions in option 2.
4) opponent throws a special
- just watch the pretty light show and watch your phasing timer ...
- if you have enough time, you just wait it out, then start a combo afterwards.
- if you don't have enough time, either evade or block the last few hits.
then either start a combo (if you can), or go into option 2 tactics until you can phase again.
Really, that's the "basics" ... not much to it. Of course, as you'll find out quick, it's easier said than done
The only other point to make, is never NEVER use special 1. That special will give you another Crit buff, which
will prevent you from phasing .. which is bad.
Use Special 2 whenever possible, or special 3 if oppotunity prevents sp 2.
- Synergies -
Antman +attack
- This is a good solid synergy, giving you more attack, pretty simple.
Wasp +Hard to hit +Critical Rate +Microscopic Observation
A trio of buffs with this one:
- Ghost gains unblockable special when phasing
To make most of this: after a combo, dash back to trigger phasing and immediately
activate Sp 2 for some massive dmg.
- Increased critical rate
- and if Ghost + Ant-man + Wasp all together, +25% attack boost. (yes please!)
Hood +Untouchables
- Ghost takes no damage while phasing.
This is what helps Ghost tank 0 dmg from Special 3 powers. Very handy if you can make
sure you're phased when the AI uses their SP 3. (just note it does nothing about any status effects such as Stun from Storm's sp3 .. although you will be phased, and might be safe enough still )
It also stops any other passive damage that might persists, which Ghost doesn't happen to
shrug off when phasing.
- Additional Synergies -
Yellow Jacket +attack (Antman) +Deadly Sting (Wasp)
- If you have ant-man and/or Wasp, Yellow Jacket becomes an additional option.
- Increased attack (double synergy with Antman) means another boost to attack
I used 4/55 Ghost for the Captain’s Clash, and used almost exclusively L1s. I wanted to end the fights quickly before Aspect of War became an issue. Perhaps not the best strategy, but it worked. The L1 is great in a lot of scenarios.