Rhino is not getting Fury from medium 5 hit combo against the wall. [Merged Threads]

Since the update, when Rhino pins the opponent against the wall and does a 5 hit combo that ends in a medium hit his Fury Boost is not triggering.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Version 12.1.4
MCoC version 22.1
On WiFi
Friend duel. No boosts active.
Rhinos is bugged. He is not gaining his fury buff when the enemy is pinned in the corner and you finish a 5 hit combo with a medium attack.
Hits 25, 35, 45, 52.
Friendly duel with Rhino s Ghost
This is even weirder because sometimes Rhino does gain his fury buff and sometimes he doesn’t.
I first noticed this issue in the arena using my duped 5* Rhino, but I don’t have a vid for that fight.
I don’t want this to get buried in the forums and forgotten
We are looking into this issue. Thank you for the report and information!
Xiaomi Mi Max 3;
Android 9 PKQ1.181007.001 (Don't ask me what's up with the numbers because I don't know. I just write it down here)
Device Operating System:
MIUI Global 10.2.1 | Stable (PEDMIXM) [I hope I filled in the right answer]
Mobile Carrier:
Maxis Mobile Data Postpaid plan called Plan 98.
Cellular or WiFi:
Happened when I'm busing both WiFi and cellular.
Game Version Installed:
Game Mode:
Arena. However, haven't tested in other areas.
Champions Affected:
5-star Rhino Rank 2 Sig 20. It probably affect other Rhino across all rarities.
Active Boosts:
No boost was active at the time of video recording of proof.
Description of the Issue:
Rhino has an ability to gain a Fury buff when ending his 5-hit combo with a Medium basic attack WHEN the opponent is pinned at their corner.
Please refer to the video link provided below.
@Kabam Miike