Duels didn't count towards Solo Event [Merged Threads]

Did 8 duels and used my duel credits which I normally save for item use and my Hero Use score didn't change. Not happy.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Is this a "just me" thing?
I have used my 5* Ghost for 6 duels during current Tech Arena event, yet after 6 duel wins, i’m still having 0 score? Please look into it! Thank you.
@Kabam Miike
what a major major bug!
all the lag,multiple gameplay bugs,special attack bugs and hero bugs this is the biggest of all that should be fixed immediately!
How can we play the game if we can't get hero use points off of duels!
I know the Class Arena Solo does specifically list Duels as well as Arena in the Rules, but shouldn’t COMBAT cover ALL areas ???
I mean, afterall, there really is no other good use for Duel Credits without Duel Event anymore, are they taking away other uses for those Credits now too ?
I did submit a ticket, so we'll see what comes of it. Probably nothing as usual. They always find some excuse to go unscathed and then close my ticket when the matter isn't solved.
My duels did not count towards the Hero Use or the Tech Arena battle solo events. I would have probably maxed both events last night if they were working properly.
This is very dis-concerning. How do we know for sure that we are getting our points for any event. Is this just affecting these events or have we missed out on other rewards that we are not aware of. I noticed sometimes when you get credits, it does not reflect right away and you go to the home screen then you see the increase.
How do we know for sure that we are receiving rewards in our inventory? How deep is this issue? I have gotten to the point that I have been checking my T5B shards prior to completing an Epic Bounty Mission to ensure that I am getting them.
Did this get broken back with the original 22.1 or much more recently than that ?? (I don't know, don’t think I paid attention until noticing yesterday).
Please address this issue Kabam.
We are looking into this issue and will be sure to let everyone know when we have any updates.