Member Posts: 47 ★
Im just wondering why is content so much harder now then it was 4 yrs ago? Makes it damn near impossible for us mid lvl players to progress and eventually give up on this game. Back then every character that was released was pretty straightforward but now everyone is unblockable unstoppable immune to everything and laggy. Make the game playable again kabam.
Your rants are getting more and more incoherent each passing day.
The game has changed since then and though I agree that unblockable & unstoppable seem to be overwhelmingly present lately, especially in new characters and new challenges, I don't agree that it hinders progression.
There are ways around those nodes, counters, strategies which require some thinking & practise.
And i would like to make a plea to you summoners at the top! REJOIN this community! Start supporting summoners in tiers lower than your own! Quit coming in here and dumping on other players feelings and concerns with your petty bulling comments. Once back in the long ago times this WAS a community! Until real "tiers" began to emerge and suddenly nothing, that didn't specifically impact, and concern the top was valid or worth supporting as far as they were concerned. Gentleman please tell us below you why? Why are you unwilling to support anyone but your fellow tier members and yourselves. Particularly when itnis something that will have no negative impact on your tier and often would help everyone.
Again, only one perm quest locks you one, ONE, UNO!
And again you dont need XL champs to do that content, you dont even have to have 5* champs.
I am saying YOU dont have the skills you claim you do. You cannot do the same content others are doing with your claimed roster.
Master event quest is 20x harder than it used to be (same for uncollected). When master first came out, I could do it fairly easily with poorly chosen 3*s even though I was an amateur. Now, it takes immense concentration and sometimes a lot of luck to 100% master with carefully selected 3*s. On top of that, master rewards aren't even comparable to uncollected. There's a HUGE gap here without a huge increase in difficulty.
This opinion is coming from someone who started over from scratch. My new account will be one year old next month and I am cavalier, 100% variant, and will soon be 100% variant 2 and act6.
I'm certain there are other reasons, but this is the one that stands out the most to me.
content was easier back then, but in all games challenges have to arrise and you have to learn to overcome them, if they dont make new and ever more challenging content then the game will stagnate, they will lose revnue, and eventually the game will die. If you adapt to the game then the content should stay at the same difficulty level, if you dont adapt then you will fall behind with the harder content. You will note none here said "git gud", and no you dont have to spend units, that is a falsehood, but you do have to have great skill not to spend units.
2) Are you even at a point to do act 6? you mean these variants, like 2, that you should be perfectly capable of doing with what you claim you have and can do?