Anyone have any potential ideas how to rework Pure Skill?
Since the Dev team seems to have had difficulty the last 2 years to come up with a decent rework for Pure Skill, maybe they should take some advice from the community on how to fix it. If you have an idea for a modest rework, lay it down right here!
In essence, keeping a combo with a Skill champ at Level 5 would have ever increasing Crit Damage so each Crit you do does more damage than the last.
Anyway, it could be a passive damage that scales up in % per point in pure skill.
ie 5%, 10%, 15% ... etc?
(if it seems "too much", just adjust the numbers of course ... ) .
maybe boring, but seems to fit the description well enough .. *shrug*
I haven't done extensive testing on this recently, but I do know that when they introduced flat stats back in 12.0, they also did some interesting things to armor and resistances. It took a few iterations that were not documented, but the bottom line is that resistances are, or at least were, armor modifiers. In other words, Armor + Physical Resistance is basically your "armor rating" for physical damage, and Armor + Energy Resistance is basically your "armor rating" for energy damage. Since Pure Skill "ignores" armor by percentage value and not by flat stat value Pure Skill has to work on armor after it is converted to a percentage. But my understanding is that resistance values are factored in when that's done, so there's no way to ignore any percent of armor but not ignore resistances.
I still think levels 3 and 4 should be refunded and locked out since it needs "completely reworked". But in the absence of that, lock those levels out to prevent the uninformed from wasting their resources.
Skill champs have evolved so much since the mastery was created, that surely some related mechanic can be amplified through the mastery. In this debuff intense field, why not consider something that shrugs off a debuff and converts it to critical damage increase.