Infinity stone profile pics

JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
edited April 2019 in General Discussion
This is a joke right?

Celebrate Endgame movie by putting into profile pics that cost 3k units to get the infinity gauntlet?

Absolutely shocking the misses this month already.



    This is outrageous! Not because each infinity stone profile pic costs 500 units each, but because I just redid my mastery set up a few days ago and spend 3500 units buying mastery cores and carbonadium cores.

    A heads up going would have been lovely, Thanks mods/devs for the wonderful transparency you guys provide to the mcoc community
    I WOULD have been able to buy these profile pics, but now that option is off the table. Thanks again
    Timone147 said:

    Though are upset you made the right choice(even though choice was removed). Masteries worth it. Picture for your profile not worth it.

    I have been playing with the same mastery set up for over a year though, and I had been doing ok. Not gonna lie, the rework on my masteries was awesome, but i would have liked a choice in the matter. Had i known that there would have been an offer on infinity stone profile pics, i would have chose the profile pics. Instead, i never had a choice in the matter because i didn't know that there would be an offer
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    Man I was afraid when I saw them in the Data Mine Leaks, was hoping they'd be from 100%ing a bunch of the EQ$ this month... So you actually had to work for them and seeing them on someone would be like "Damn that person is a completionist and went through a lot of work to Earn that...", now it's "Damn there's another whale..."
    Really disappointed...
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra Not sure why yall group my post into this chat. I am not complaining about the price of these offers like everyone else. I am complaining about the lack of transparency that caused me to use 3000 units 3 days ago to redo my masteries, and had i known about this offer ahead of time, i would have not used my units 3 days ago. Doesn't seem like a thead that should be merged with people who just angry about the deal in general
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,522 ★★★★

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra Not sure why yall group my post into this chat. I am not complaining about the price of these offers like everyone else. I am complaining about the lack of transparency that caused me to use 3000 units 3 days ago to redo my masteries, and had i known about this offer ahead of time, i would have not used my units 3 days ago. Doesn't seem like a thead that should be merged with people who just angry about the deal in general

    We as the community have a right to be mad when they do something like this during this huge Marvel Movie. I understand your frustration with your issue as well.

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra Not sure why yall group my post into this chat. I am not complaining about the price of these offers like everyone else. I am complaining about the lack of transparency that caused me to use 3000 units 3 days ago to redo my masteries, and had i known about this offer ahead of time, i would have not used my units 3 days ago. Doesn't seem like a thead that should be merged with people who just angry about the deal in general

    We as the community have a right to be mad when they do something like this during this huge Marvel Movie. I understand your frustration with your issue as well.
    @BowTieJohn I am not saying yall don't have a right to be mad, i am saying that there is no reason my post should have been merged with everyone elses posts on this issue because my post was different from everyone elses
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,522 ★★★★

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra Not sure why yall group my post into this chat. I am not complaining about the price of these offers like everyone else. I am complaining about the lack of transparency that caused me to use 3000 units 3 days ago to redo my masteries, and had i known about this offer ahead of time, i would have not used my units 3 days ago. Doesn't seem like a thead that should be merged with people who just angry about the deal in general

    We as the community have a right to be mad when they do something like this during this huge Marvel Movie. I understand your frustration with your issue as well.
    @BowTieJohn I am not saying yall don't have a right to be mad, i am saying that there is no reason my post should have been merged with everyone elses posts on this issue because my post was different from everyone elses
    Agreed. Hopefully Kabam will respond soon.
    They better. They already merged the posts, so there's no reason we don't have a response from them yet. I already put in a support ticket to see if I can get my units back and my masteries reset so i can afford the profile pics.
    I have never spend a penny on this game, so when there is no transparency between kabam and us with deals like these, it really screws over some people
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,522 ★★★★
    I have around 1800 units and there is no way I can get the other 1200 units before they go away. I'm a F2P player and don't believe something connected to a huge Marvel Movie should be kept from any players. Instead of paying we should be able to earn them by completing the Quest for the Stone Quest.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,837 Guardian
    Actual Profile Pic of Gauntlet doesn’t look very good (or clear as to what it is) anyways. Just looks like a generic piece of Gold Jewelry.
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    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra Not sure why yall group my post into this chat. I am not complaining about the price of these offers like everyone else. I am complaining about the lack of transparency that caused me to use 3000 units 3 days ago to redo my masteries, and had i known about this offer ahead of time, i would have not used my units 3 days ago. Doesn't seem like a thead that should be merged with people who just angry about the deal in general

    Kabam is a business and it’s in their best interest to never advertise deals. This should be an obvious answer. Your situation is the perfect reason why. Now if you want them they make 100$. They’ve never advertised deals upfront that I’m aware of. You probably won’t want to hear it but they done you a huge favor. You got new masteries instead of some stupid overpriced pictures.
    @Jamiefyffe16 that's where we disagree. While i agree that redoing masteries has made a difference, i was doing just fine before hand. While i recognize kabam is a business and their primary goal is to make money, there needs to be some amount of transparency that is given to us stakeholders in their business. A deal this big should have been announced before hand by about a week, dropping it on us the day of is ridiculous
  • Vincew80Vincew80 Member Posts: 196 ★★
    Is it a stupid offer? Yes.
    Does a profile pic do a damn thing? No.

    Best advice is to completely ignore them. I promise anyone looking at your profiles is much more concerned with your champs & what content you’ve been able to clear. Not the fact that you’d waste $100 worth of units on something completely useless.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,837 Guardian
    If they advertised the upcoming “need” (in quotes) for 3000 Units a couple weeks in advance, there would have been others that would have needed 4 week’s advance notice, or 8 weeks, etc...

    Special offers come up all the time (for things much better than this, which is just cosmetic anyways), it's always good to keep Units on hand in case there is a limited time thing that you want.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,999 ★★★★★
    Stakeholders? Optional purchases do not equal Shares in the company.
    Are we really this bent out of shape over some Profile Pics? They're not necessary at all. Each Stone is the usual price for the Premium ones. You get a Legendary if you buy all. Not that hard to understand.
  • RemeliRemeli Member Posts: 608 ★★★

    Okay, let's back the train up a bit.
    It's a cosmetic Profile Icon. Hardly anything to be outraged about.
    The Gauntlet is a rare Profile, and the point of it is you need all the Stones to form the Gauntlet. It's beyond optional. There's no necessity to it whatsoever. If people want it bad enough, by all means. However, it's not like they're charging 3k Units to play the game.

    As usual, you're completely missing the point
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,999 ★★★★★
    Remeli said:

    Okay, let's back the train up a bit.
    It's a cosmetic Profile Icon. Hardly anything to be outraged about.
    The Gauntlet is a rare Profile, and the point of it is you need all the Stones to form the Gauntlet. It's beyond optional. There's no necessity to it whatsoever. If people want it bad enough, by all means. However, it's not like they're charging 3k Units to play the game.

    As usual, you're completely missing the point
    No, I get the point. I just think it's an entitled and disproportionate one.
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