Most overrated champ/Most Underrated champ

BDeezyBDeezy Member Posts: 119
Overrated- Ghost Rider, Carnage, IMIW, spider Gwen or maybe proxima midnight

Underrated-She Hulk, Darkhawk,Angela, Red Hulk, Luke Cage,Gwenpool


  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    Ghost Rider is amazing (I have a 5* rank 5), he's an MVP, immune, fate seal, one of the best heals in the game and pretty nice attack if you know how to time his fury
    Also, power control
    Nuff said
  • Prime_Saviour02Prime_Saviour02 Member Posts: 71
    Overrated= Killmonger, Iceman

    Underrated= X-23, Venom
  • Thanos_CarThanos_Car Member Posts: 298
    Overrated IMIW nothing special, bad damage, alright immunities and alright power control, really just a defender

    Underrated Ronan
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Over-rated: ...Corvus? Maybe it's because I can't figure out how to use him, but I definitely prefer at least three Cosmics over him.
    Under-rated: Crossbones. Don't hear nearly enough about this dude. Really solid attacker and decent defender.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Overrated iceman blade Corvus

    Underrated dark hawk sentinel Emma proxima killmonger
  • HandsomeJasHandsomeJas Member Posts: 24
    Wait how is Killmonger overrated?
  • Esket1t_420Esket1t_420 Member Posts: 548 ★★★
    Overrated- blade

    Underrated- electro
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    overrated blade and spider-man (SE)

    underrated Joe Fixit and Ms. Marvel (KK)

    Joe fixit is a wet noodle
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★

    Wait how is Killmonger overrated?

    Wondering the same thing myself
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    edited April 2019
    IMIW overrated...more like underrated as people only see him as a defender while he is a really solid attacker..yes he lacks the damage from his attacks but with his power control he can land many more hits than other champs and plasma passive deals a significant amount of damage,has amazing block proficiency, unblockable sp1 comes in handy in many situations and very few champs are immune to his active debuffs and if u face someone who is immune to them,u can always use sp3 and stack a couple of plasma to get the damage going
    Edit- forgot about his heal block against healing champs with the blade of his sp1 and heavy
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★

    overrated blade and spider-man (SE)

    underrated Joe Fixit and Ms. Marvel (KK)

    Joe fixit is a wet noodle
    Yeah he wasn't joking
    Overrated: Blade (not bad but fanboys way overrate him)
    Underrated: Wasp and Crossbones
    Perfectly Rated as Garbage: Joe Fixit and Kamala
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    edited April 2019
    Overrated: Corvus. Against high health pool champs he fizzles out quick. Useless for LoL and there are far better options for some of the other endgame content

    Underrated: Nebula. Immune to bleed/poison/shock (up to 3 per fight), massive shock damage potential, has a heal mechanic and can shut down robot champs.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Overrated, SE and iceman

    Underrated, modok as an attacker.
    Most just stuck him in defence and forget about him
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Underrated is hood. Solid staffer to help against power control and buff enemies. Decent DoT as well.
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    edited April 2019
    Overrated: nameless
    Underrated: mordo
  • Miss_KittinMiss_Kittin Member Posts: 12
    +1 for the hood. Ranked him 5R4, duped sig 60. He does more than the job, cause he's now in my main team.
    Played with Ghost, I learned to play Ghost without Wasp, and it s a pleasure now.
    The Hood is my best champ against opponents with a lot of buffs. Against Hyperion too.
    Power Drain, invisibility. when synergy with Ghost, he starts the fight invisible, that s pretty cool and usefull >> No stress
    And such damages for his sp2. I use Sp1 only to switch back for CD of invisibility when opponent is stunned.
  • Chris1212123Chris1212123 Member Posts: 320
    Ghost rider is great not overrated at all
    Gwenpool is rated very highly so don’t see how she could be underrated.

    Personally I think ghost is over rated and storm is underrated.
  • Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
    Overrated: corvus, omega red
    Underrated: taskmaster, Darkhawk
    My opinion.
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Overrated: Ironman IW
    Underrated: Darkhawk

    Ironman IW fix? Have my dude hit harder or some sort of fury buff/crit buff that last a while.

    Now for Darkhawk, y’all gotta get you one. The guy is fun as hell to play with!!!!!
  • QuantumBobQuantumBob Member Posts: 170
    Overrated : Blade
    Underrated : Rogue
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