got banned from the game

Hey every one my name is Laksh and my game id was laksh99 .
Yes it was Laksh99 becoz now i am banned from the game. I was playing game from last 1 year my rating was 110,735 I completed act 4 and now was doing it 100% and ROAD TO LABRINTH last chapter was left. I used mod and played that last chapter. I just request to kabam to take my progress that i played on mod and to remove ban from my account.
I will never use mod again. I will be very thankful if u remove my ban.
Your Summoner
Yes it was Laksh99 becoz now i am banned from the game. I was playing game from last 1 year my rating was 110,735 I completed act 4 and now was doing it 100% and ROAD TO LABRINTH last chapter was left. I used mod and played that last chapter. I just request to kabam to take my progress that i played on mod and to remove ban from my account.
I will never use mod again. I will be very thankful if u remove my ban.
Your Summoner

This discussion has been closed.
My point is that Kabam didn't purposely give an advantage to anyone .
And mod again
@Kabam Miike shouldn't this guy be banned for abuse? Regardless of the OP cheating the personal attacks is a bit much. Where's the line on this type of childish behavior?
I think you should be bannned for abusing the @.
Add something constructive to the conversation. At this point its spam and will be flagged as such.
And I heard you boasted of taking down bosses in AQ with linked nodes up when you were being recruited; which was less believable once the alliance found out you got banned. So I firmly disagree with the notion that you should get your account back.
As others have said, do not blame Kabam for your mistakes, which could have implicated other legitimate players like myself unfairly.
It's okay for you to spam the spam. Flag away.
At best I will get a warning but it's worth it for having my say against cheaters, good to know your a little snitch too
I have to slightly disagree with this statement as I believe you can buy that unfair advantage you speak of. 1500 units will most likely get you any new champ while them who don't spend may find them self waiting over a year to get the champ you just bought and a second year hoping to duplicate them lol. So I believe they did grant unfair advantage if you take out your wallet son. My problem is my kids take all what's mine before any game would so here I am disadvantaged to all the spenders. What's that you say play arena get the champs ? Hard to compete against players double your rate in arena and players who will buy a thousand units just to recharge there maxed boosted champs. And little old me would need to save for months grind like hell just to have a change of taking the guy who does little and pays to get points faster.
Lakash, this should be pretty obvious, even to someone who's dumb enough to cheat, but this is the absolute last place that you should ever tell people that you used a mod. There is not a single person on this forum who isn't glad that you have been banned and you will receive zero sympathy here. I suggest you leave now.
The forums are not the place to discuss any actions taken on individual accounts, including in-game bans. There is more information here in our forums regarding bans.