Crystal cornucopia is outdated

Will we ever see an update to the crystal cornucopia?
For a lot of people, this 1-day arena falls on the day they have the most time to spare. The rewards are outdated and the arena is downright boring.
Let’s buff the rewards so we can happily grind through the arena on our days off work.
For a lot of people, this 1-day arena falls on the day they have the most time to spare. The rewards are outdated and the arena is downright boring.
Let’s buff the rewards so we can happily grind through the arena on our days off work.
It being a weekly 24 hour Arena would incentivize Sunday play for those who are jammed up all week at work. This would help everyone in gaining extra Champion Crystal shards. Maybe even award a tiered FHC for the top ranks that pertain to each progression title. In the case of Cavalier, 4, 5, and 6* (instead of the 3-6) as to award at minimum a 4* for the grind and likely at minimum be a dupe for extra 5* shards. Uncollected, 4 and 5*, again removing the 3* for those that put up the grind. Conquer would award a standard FGMC allowing them a slim chance at a 5*. Anything below, a basic FHC that gives 2-4* champs.
Crystal Splash and Crystal Cornucopia are QUITE dated and WAY overdue for a revamp. A 3rd multifaceted arena and those 2 getting overhauled would be VERY welcomed IMO. Nice to see a Mod in on this already!
Like I said in my other post, I only did it for the daily alliance event.
6 fights was enough to get me ranked. There is something seriously wrong with this picture.
As a side note, I also think this would be far less a discussion if we were not in the middle of a six week event quest span that was completed by week 3. Lots of downtime right now causing everyone to scramble for something else to do.
I understand and respect your opinion, but to me it seems fine the way it is. I like having a day off anyway.
Also what are you expecting Kabam to do with it? Suddenly offer up 4 and 5* shards as milestones? That I'm afraid is just never going to happen.
-If you’re uncollected, you build an uncollected crystal and get a fully formed premium hero crysyal for each milestone.
-If you’re cavalier, you build a cavalier crystal and get uncollected crystals for each milestone. Make this one like 2million or 4million score to reach all the milestones.
These would be based crystals with base rates so you could still pull a 3 star, however, you can pull a 5 or 6 star if you’re far in the game. I think it would be an interesting way to invigorate players to join back in this lackluster day of arena grinding.
People being pitted against those closest in progression, for rank rewards that are useful to their progress vs the free for all it currently is. Also, if this ever were implemented, no one is holding a gun to your head to play arena on any day. I take whole weeks off the arena grind. Sometimes I go full swing. So take Sunday off if you so choose.
Some will run all nonstop. Good for them. That's their choice. Personally, I find I have extra time on Sundays and would enjoy an arena that would be more useful. Getting all the milestones in 6-7 sets, so 18-21 fights... that's pretty sad. Nothing too extravagant mind you. Just something with a BIT more substance would be nice.
I'm not saying hand out fully formed, or even half a tier crystal for that matter. Mere fractions is all for higher rank rewards. If it also builds GMCs or awards a fully formed FGMC by building it via shards for milestones, that would be interesting. I didn't get into specifics, but the 5 and 6* shards would only be rank rewards. The Cavalier or GMC crystals were the milestones. So my bad for not clarifying this earlier. I thought that the order in which I said them implied this much. So GMCs/Cavalier built via milestones, hero shards via rank rewards.
I was thinking to keep the milestone rewards the exact same just with higher tier shards. I think staying true to the current rewards with upgrading the rarity would be a cool way of fixing this and motivate people to jump in. Just like how it is currently, you get 1 base crystal (premium hero crystal, legendary crystal, grandmaster crystal, cavalier crystal based on your progression tier) from collecting shards from the rewards and then get a bonus crystal from the tier below for each milestone as well for a little added bonus. (Ex. If you are uncollected you would get 1 grandmaster crystal and 4 legendary crystals for completing all milestones). This would also contribute to the shards you mentioned as you would be getting them from the crystals from opening more 3*, 4*, and 5* champions.
If you manage to get to rank rewards, you can snag an extra crystal or 2 similar to the one earned. Even go further to incorporate something you mentioned as if you finish in the higher end of the rank rewards you can get featured versions of these crystals (just the rates change not the champions inside them).