I feel he's a bit above Dorm since Dorm can be fought if you fight carefully and not dexing. And if your in hidden war tier, he can be a nasty suprise for Corvus users. I rank him slightly above Dorms and Meph
On attack very low, similar level to maybe og black panther to an and all them, on defence not a big issue but still alright, maybe at a similar tier as someone like sentuor Sabretooth, so overall bad attacker ok defender
Squidward will do well do alright on defense, definitely a defender worth having. He will have more stock now then later on as hes a new champ. Once people have him figured out, he wont be that great.
He’s not a bad champion to get but let’s just say he’s the wackest member of the Black Order. CG, CO and PM would beat him any day... even with that class disadvantage. Oh poor Squidward
In the hidden class tiers, I may actually be willing to invest a mastery point into detect mystic specifically to avoid having my Corvus against maw haha