I hope he doesnt. I didn't like when they brought him back a second time. They said originally that it was a 1-time chance and he wouldn't ever be back. That was the appeal. I didn't get him but I don't see why they should let others have a chance for him. Ppl spent tons of money trying for the 1-time champ. Adding more just makes him a common champ.
Well, I honestly don’t care if he comes back, I got him and don’t really care much about duping him
You know he has one of the highest prestige right?
Well I’m not whaling out $1000 to possibly get his dupe. I was lucky enough to get him in 21 crystals when he first released. So I’m not overly fond of spending and spending to try and dupe him
I hope so. That Champ haunts me. Lol. Never got him the first time, never got him in the Arenas (including the rerun), never got him last time....TRIGGER! Hahaha.