RESONATE: Buffed or Description Bugged???

I was recently checking through the mastery’s, & realized that Resonate didn’t mention in the description what the odds were in having Weakness applied. I could’ve sworn it was 16%...

I then decided to check past videos on YouTube, to see if I was hallucinating, or was it really once 16%? Sure enough, I checked out one of Brian Grants videos from 9months ago and...

It was definitely 16%.
So why was the description changed? Is this a bug, or was Resonate buffed?

I then decided to check past videos on YouTube, to see if I was hallucinating, or was it really once 16%? Sure enough, I checked out one of Brian Grants videos from 9months ago and...

It was definitely 16%.
So why was the description changed? Is this a bug, or was Resonate buffed?
Still they removed the chance of triggering it ... can't say if it was intended or not
However, it doesn't always trigger. Best guess, at level 3, it triggers roughly once per six hits. So the questions are: should it ALWAYS trigger now (as per the description), in which case it's bugged. Or is the description wrong? And, if that's the case, does the chance of it triggering still go up with each point invested?
This is very relevant, especially for map 7 players who take that 'What's Yours Is Mine' path.
-A Hela synergy was recently changed so revive chance was based on KO'd champs instead of Champs with health.
-MODOK had an entire line of description regarding guaranteed crits wiped (and the in-game effect changed to match).
-Resonate's description changed as noted above.
It would be incredibly helpful if these changes were logged. Even if they are small, they should be mentioned.