When designing new maps...

Thank you for making it so we can click on a summoners name in war to see their profile. Now that you’ve added that, can you please stop putting the node numbers behind summoners name when your designing new maps? Maybe just
a little more separation? Zooming in helps but is too time consuming
a little more separation? Zooming in helps but is too time consuming

Thanks @Quicksilver245 - Now that war has started I can't remember what the behavior was, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought clicking the node instead of the champion showed me the stats of the node instead of placing a champ if I already had one selected, or didn't want to pick one up. Anyways when setting defenders rapidly, I was slowed down by how close they are together and wanted to express that.
It is minor, I admit but I wanted to mention it for next time, I just thought if the Battlerealm is so big, why are we so clustered together? Let's spread out just a bit more?