official awards

I suggest a bonus in the awards of the alliance missions and in the alliance wars, for officers and alliance owners, as these usually strive more during these events coordinated players, war defense organization. There is often no time left to play the monthly events, or complete the missions of the story.
It would be fair to bonus officers and owners, but to avoid fraud rules would need to be created, such as limiting the number of officers in an alliance, and rewarding according to the performance of the alliance in the war and during alliance missions.
Thank you very much for your attention
It would be fair to bonus officers and owners, but to avoid fraud rules would need to be created, such as limiting the number of officers in an alliance, and rewarding according to the performance of the alliance in the war and during alliance missions.
Thank you very much for your attention
I wouldn't say deserves so much as would be appreciated. One of those situations where I'd never expect it, but wouldn't say no if it was given. Perhaps make this an annual to biannual bonus to Leadership for staying at it? Too often would be too much. An occasional 'thanks for all the hard work' bonus wouldn't be over the top. Also, would have to figure out what would be fair for such. Would it be tiered? Based around progress, Alliance size, time served, or some other parameters?
I've heard this proposed in another thread recently. It's hard to be veiwed as being objective in the matter when being leadership of an Alliance. Some would say 'well of course you want it, you're a leader.' Again, I wouldn't be opposed, but I wouldn't expect it either. Welcomed? Of course. I guess hearing members say their piece on this would help get an idea of how it would be viewed. Would a small biannual bonus to leadership be unfair? I don't think a bonus to everything awarded is right. That's too much.