Kabam support

Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
OK so can I talk to a real person and not a robot that says everything is good again and that they play the game as well and all bugs have been fixed so there closing the ticket??? When nothing has been fixed ...I wasted a lot of Sig stones and they said issue has been fixed and its not what do I do now


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    What's the problem here?
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    What's the problem here?

    I assume he put sig stone's in a champ because he thought a bug got fixes but it wasn't so he wants a refund in those stones
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    I used the stones before I knew it was bugged they email Me saying its been fixed but it has not I just want the Sig stones back until they fix it or actually fix the problem I worked hard for those Sig stones
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Its not fixed and I dont know what to do now @Kabam Valkyrie @Kabam Miike what do I do
  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    Who did you use them on?
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    Things I've experienced about support:
    1. They sometimes struggle with English and comprehension
    2. They have no real power to award items or change details of players accounts. I gather the issue needs to be escalated to a team that can do that.

    So, in short, they're there to get you to shut-up instead of help. That's just my experience though.
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    I see they can put me in jail but still can't answer my question
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    How many did you use and who did you use them on?
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Used 4 each on aa and voodoo and they both decrease in pi big time and Sig ability
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    I don't see any change in either, and I have both.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    That's not horrible by any means. 4 signature stones are rather easy to get. Plus I'd say even though their PI may not be as high as you expect they are two of the better champs to have awakened.
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Thawnim wrote: »
    That's not horrible by any means. 4 signature stones are rather easy to get. Plus I'd say even though their PI may not be as high as you expect they are two of the better champs to have awakened.

    IDC if it was 1 Sig stone they should work like there suppose too and that face that they said its fixed and the pi should be where it is and its not is what gets me ..like what now ? And Sig stones are not easy to get you must work for Kabam
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Volcanic45 wrote: »
    Thawnim wrote: »
    That's not horrible by any means. 4 signature stones are rather easy to get. Plus I'd say even though their PI may not be as high as you expect they are two of the better champs to have awakened.

    IDC if it was 1 Sig stone they should work like there suppose too and that face that they said its fixed and the pi should be where it is and its not is what gets me ..like what now ? And Sig stones are not easy to get you must work for Kabam

    None of us work for Kabam. I've checked AA and Voodoo, and they look the same on my end. PI goes up at different rates and points for different Champs. There's usually a plateau after the first 20 Sig, and it goes up in smaller increments. Different Champs go up at different rates. Meaning, their final PI is only reached at Sig 99, and it can vary as to how much each goes up per Sig Stone.
  • Valar_DoheirisValar_Doheiris Member Posts: 2
    Doctor Octopus Sig ability is not working. What gives?
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    Volcanic45 wrote: »
    Thawnim wrote: »
    That's not horrible by any means. 4 signature stones are rather easy to get. Plus I'd say even though their PI may not be as high as you expect they are two of the better champs to have awakened.

    IDC if it was 1 Sig stone they should work like there suppose too and that face that they said its fixed and the pi should be where it is and its not is what gets me ..like what now ? And Sig stones are not easy to get you must work for Kabam

    None of us work for Kabam. I've checked AA and Voodoo, and they look the same on my end. PI goes up at different rates and points for different Champs. There's usually a plateau after the first 20 Sig, and it goes up in smaller increments. Different Champs go up at different rates. Meaning, their final PI is only reached at Sig 99, and it can vary as to how much each goes up per Sig Stone.

    OK maybe your not getting what I'm saying I'll slow it down for you
    My voodoo was Sig 20 pi 6700 ish
    I put 4 sigs into him and he went down to 6300ish
    My AA was Sig 3 and 6200ish pi put 4 in him he's now at 6065 so again tell me how does there pi and Sig ability go down after I put Sig stones in them
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Volcanic45 wrote: »
    Volcanic45 wrote: »
    Thawnim wrote: »
    That's not horrible by any means. 4 signature stones are rather easy to get. Plus I'd say even though their PI may not be as high as you expect they are two of the better champs to have awakened.

    IDC if it was 1 Sig stone they should work like there suppose too and that face that they said its fixed and the pi should be where it is and its not is what gets me ..like what now ? And Sig stones are not easy to get you must work for Kabam

    None of us work for Kabam. I've checked AA and Voodoo, and they look the same on my end. PI goes up at different rates and points for different Champs. There's usually a plateau after the first 20 Sig, and it goes up in smaller increments. Different Champs go up at different rates. Meaning, their final PI is only reached at Sig 99, and it can vary as to how much each goes up per Sig Stone.

    OK maybe your not getting what I'm saying I'll slow it down for you
    My voodoo was Sig 20 pi 6700 ish
    I put 4 sigs into him and he went down to 6300ish
    My AA was Sig 3 and 6200ish pi put 4 in him he's now at 6065 so again tell me how does there pi and Sig ability go down after I put Sig stones in them

    What I'm saying is it's an isolated issue because no one else has reported a change in Sig since the last glitch. Were you running Boosts? Did you switch Masteries? I agree that doesn't make sense, but there may be other factors. For that matter, if it is a bug, they wouldn't refund Sig Stones because bugs can be fixed.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    There is a pi bug going around. That's why
    Dr. Voodoo should be in my top 4 but gets replaced by Agent Venom for example.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Here's what I think happened if someone can explain it better please do 'cause it's a non issue.

    Over the weekend PI in your champion list was falsely reported due to synergies from teams in quests carrying over into the roster. While this was going on he used signature stones on 2 champions whose PI had the illusion of going down due to the now correctly reported PI taking over the falsely reported PI. The issue is understanding what happened because to him it appeared that using signature stones caused a drop in PI.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Yup, bad timing on using the sig stones. That's why you need to always have a general idea of what some of your champs PI is to not get mixed up afterwards.
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Here's what I think happened if someone can explain it better please do 'cause it's a non issue.

    Over the weekend PI in your champion list was falsely reported due to synergies from teams in quests carrying over into the roster. While this was going on he used signature stones on 2 champions whose PI had the illusion of going down due to the now correctly reported PI taking over the falsely reported PI. The issue is understanding what happened because to him it appeared that using signature stones caused a drop in PI.

    I think you hit it on spot I just used a few more stones and the pi went up so maybe i used them at the wrong time ..I used them before I knew about the pi bugs so thats why I thought my pi was what I said I just looked at some screen shots from last week and its on point ..my pi is higher then last week meaning the Sig stones did work ...thanks to all it seems to be fixed now
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to drop in and give an apology on the frustrations you faced over this. It seems like there was a miscommunication from our side on what had happened when those Sig Stones were used for you, @Volcanic45.

    The explanation given by @CoatHang3r about this past weekend would be the cause of this problem you faced. We had issues with Synergies and Masteries affecting the PI of champions by a small increase. When our Game Team corrected the issue it returned your champions affected by it to their original PI. The unfortunate timing of the Signature Stones when this was fixed would be why it appeared to be decreasing the PI rather than raising it. I’m sorry this all happened to you, but I’m glad to hear it seems to be working as intended now!

    With this being resolved I’m going to go ahead and close the thread. Thanks again, guys!

This discussion has been closed.