Hyperion or Cull Obsiduan to R5

PureLowePureLowe Member Posts: 12
Just finished Variant 2 and got a cosmic rank 4 to 5 gem. I have Hype at r4 already should i r5 him or wait for Cull? I have a cosmic ag waiting for him. Would prefer answers from people who has both champs

Hyperion or Cull Obsiduan to R5 57 votes

SnakeEyes69Spity68allinashesNanoDroidAjisdopesupermanTerraTwmRCrimsontide1616ScholiaDarthPhalPrathapMaldroit2Rougeknight87Zayo_278Kohkoh777TehsigzorzKimilRockypantherxNeotwism 31 votes
Cull Obsidian
DalBotDrOctavius2_2VartoxSpeedbumpGNASTYJohnyzeroGreifmaster911SamdroxtaarSixshot1OmegaManPeterQuillCharlie_SceneTheSpicyKnightTony886LordNeoHfchangDead1monomuggLanfearVOLK1902 26 votes


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  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Is full high sig, if he is then go for him
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    R5 Hyperion all day
  • OmegaManOmegaMan Member Posts: 383 ★★★
    Cull Obsidian
    From what I’ve seen Cull Obsidian. Possibly the best damage in the game currently. Wish I had him I’d take him to R5 hands down
  • PureLowePureLowe Member Posts: 12
    Anyone with both champions like to comment?
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Cull Obsidian
    Oh. You don't have Cull. I change my answer.

    You shouldn't hold a gem like that for one specific champion IMO. You might never get them. And if you finally get them in a year or two, that gem will be WAY less valuable.

    It took me nearly two years to get a 4* SWitch. I had a r5 5* before I got that specific 4 star. Imagine if I'd waited to us a RG or AG on her. By the time I got her, I considered those materials nearly worthless because I was done with 4 stars outside of arena.

    Rank who you have, as long as they're strong. And Hypes is a beast, especially awakened. He'll help you clear a lot of content, like that Sinister in 6.2
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Hyperion is wayy more useful than cull obsidian with the utility he provides
  • PureLowePureLowe Member Posts: 12
    I have 5/65 Corvus, 6* Ghulk and 6* maw. Thanks for your answer mgj0630. I will wait for the next featured and see if I can pull Cull. If not then hype gets the rank up
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    i have both champions duped in 5* and hyperion is more durable as for utility they are about the same. hyp has power gain and some fury and poison immune armor break stun and good damage.
    cull has all the same except power gain and poison immunity, however cull needs to ko one person before the damage is equal, however after cull reaches 5 persistant charges he doubles the damage hyperion does. for an extremely skilled and careful player cull obsidian is a far better champion as he can burn through a 400k opponent in 20 hits once he has above 5 charges. for the majority of players who make a mistake here and there and are trying to clear contemt hyperion may be a better choice, hyperion also has some regen, but cull can parry any attack. i persoanlly prefer cull for two reasons, one i have champions maxxed out at 5* that do what hyperion does and two. im in a top 20 aq/aw ally so prestige is always taken into consideration and hyperions is dirt. oh also another decider is cull really get ridiculous with his rout buff at high sig level and the fury he gains when it expires is un rivaled in the game, but hyperion gains nothing above sig level 20 in 5* so is much easier to get hyp to pull potential
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    i guess the meat of the question is rank both of them up, but an awakening gem greatly benefits cull obsidian and hyperion is only moderately improved by being awakened
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    I voted Hyp since you don’t have Cull and who knows when/if you pull him.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    Cull Obsidian
    I think most of what Hyp does is done better by Medusa (her furies aren't RNG reliant, she shuts down robots, armor shatter is amazing, living strands can save your butt in some content and the BB synergy makes her hit as hard as Hyp). Cull is unique and absolutely destroys content after 1-2 fights depending on who the first fight is and synergies. I prefer Cull (took him at 6* to R2 while Hyp at 5* sig 145 has been sitting at R3 forever). That said, who knows if you'll actually get Cull eventually. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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