Regarding the recent champion additions.



  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    Lormif said:

    IDoge said:

    Lormif said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    And the whole reason you even thought about this was because of seatin. He’s not god, you know.

    Because of seatin? Oh no... these champs have been flawed since their release.
    They arent flawed. They aren't what you or the community wants since they can't one shot everything.
    You are telling me that Human Torch or Annihilus is not flawed? So long ramp up for an okay amount of damage and little utility is not flawed?

    Annihilus can bypass auto block and gat insane block penetration—rip everyone on invade nodes
    Annihilus loses his stifle debuffs too quickly. It's too much of a hassle trying pause them and gain more when there are nodes and defensive abilities in your way. He is just not reliable. Kabam could just extend his stifle debuff duration and he wouls be just fine. I'm not asking for huge changes just little adjustmets that would make a huge difference. Same would go for HT incinerate.
    Its funny watching you try to argue..Because most of the time it is mostly a lot of about you..

    You argue that the majority of players are end game (false)
    You then argue that anyone not in act 6 dont have a say in this (false again)

    you attempt to limit the conversation by finding some way to disqualify those who disagree with you..

    You break the forum rules of trying to keep the posts consolidated and then blame Kabam for your violation and claim they will prove your non existent point by upholding the rules.

    On top of this you seem to want all new champions to be "god tier", and not just this but easy to use so you can basically face roll.

    Annihilus is one of the best defenders to come out this year, and does good damage when you fight with him.

    HT can own every single mystic champ and any non mystic that uses energy.

    Not every champion can or should be god tier, there should be variation. They were all god tier then it would have no meaning at all. There has to be balance.
    Thank you for taking the time to completely ignore my feedback. 👍
    Oh, I ignored none of it. Littlerally you are complaining because you waited for f4 for several years and they are not as good as you wanted them to be, because you expected them to be to be the best in the game, because they are like your favs.
    Clearly you must've not been paying attention. Like I said earlier, minor changes like those would significantly improve these characters because at the moment those flaws hold them back. Their debuff durations are very short which gives them a small window of burst damage.
    yes, and they are given that because they have advantages elsewhere as I haev outlined and you completely ignored. You already said it, you dont want balance, you want your favorite champs to be god tier or beyond.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    DalBot said:

    IDoge said:

    Show Act 6 and 5.3 gameplay of HT please. While you are at it, show him in high tier AW and Variant

    So your idea of a useable champ is endgame content and Tier 1-3 AW only?

    Says more about your unreasonable expectations of what every champ should be than anything else.
    A majority of summoners are at that level in the game. Of course it will apply to those areas of the game. Even if people are not at that level yet they will need to use certain champs in order for them progress
    Just curious how many summoners are in Tier 1-3? I'd also be interested to know if that number constitutes 51%+ of the player base.

    As to Seatin's point about how Ebony Maw is so far behind, I have the opposite opinion. Namor seems incredibly OP. They should've nerfed him, instead of buffed the Maw. There are many things Kabam could do - Say 1 of each "new" champ for the month will be one of the 100+ existing champs that are in dire need of buffs. They could take a deep look at the already insane power creep and tone things back a bit. I do like what they are doing with synergies and encouraging players to have older champs on the roster in some cases. The way that CapIW, Nick Fury and Heimdall help out the team is pretty cool, also. Of course, the goal of any business is to make $$$ and Kabam REAAAAAAALLLLLY wants you to feed the casino-style addiction and spend as much of that money as you can each month so I doubt my points would be considered.
    Lol you're not on 5.3 or higher? If you aren't you don't really have a say in this
    Lol it's adding Champions to the game not just adding them to 5.3 and higher players anyone that plays has a say in this matter.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    You aren't even uncollected yet. You, yourself haven't even reached 5.3 yet. If you say those people have no business commenting, neither do you.

    Nice try. That is not my main account.
    Ok pic
    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    You aren't even uncollected yet. You, yourself haven't even reached 5.3 yet. If you say those people have no business commenting, neither do you.

    Nice try. That is not my main account.
    Doubtful. I bet its your only account.

    Not much better. You don't have the expierence to make the comments you are making. Especially towards harder content. You have no idea what that content is even like.

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    You aren't even uncollected yet. You, yourself haven't even reached 5.3 yet. If you say those people have no business commenting, neither do you.

    Nice try. That is not my main account.
    Doubtful. I bet its your only account.

    Dude send me some sick gameplay of that r4 Phoenix in act 6. That is like the only content that matters, right? That gold 3 ally lookin pretty top tier as well. I assume you’ve done easy path LoL with that IMIW. And— oh my gosh, 174k rating? Insane!

    The point is that everyone has a valid opinion, and you can’t tear down others because there’s always someone bigger than you.
    You two are really derailing this post. This is all becoming personal rather than us discussing about these champs that many of you wont rank up yet defend
    You just mad because you came in here talking about how we cannot put an input unless we pass 5.3 and then got exposed as a poser. 😂😂😂😂
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    And the whole reason you even thought about this was because of seatin. He’s not god, you know.

    Because of seatin? Oh no... these champs have been flawed since their release.
    They arent flawed. They aren't what you or the community wants since they can't one shot everything.
    You are telling me that Human Torch or Annihilus is not flawed? So long ramp up for an okay amount of damage and little utility is not flawed?

    Annihilus can bypass auto block and gat insane block penetration—rip everyone on invade nodes
    Annihilus loses his stifle debuffs too quickly. It's too much of a hassle trying pause them and gain more when there are nodes and defensive abilities in your way. He is just not reliable. Kabam could just extend his stifle debuff duration and he wouls be just fine. I'm not asking for huge changes just little adjustmets that would make a huge difference. Same would go for HT incinerate.
    Ghost loses her buffs too quickly. It’s too much of a hassle to try and do the unblockable specials thing when there are nodes and defensive abilities that you have to focus on. She’s just not reliable. Kabam could just extend her buffs and phase duration a bit and she’d be fine. I’m not asking for huge changes just little adjustments that would make a huge difference. Same would go for the number of glaive charges Corvus gets. If it could be 30 like when fighting avengers that’d be great.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Why do you people use seatin as a bench mark? Stop listening to him and formulate your own list
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    And the whole reason you even thought about this was because of seatin. He’s not god, you know.

    Because of seatin? Oh no... these champs have been flawed since their release.
    They arent flawed. They aren't what you or the community wants since they can't one shot everything.
    You are telling me that Human Torch or Annihilus is not flawed? So long ramp up for an okay amount of damage and little utility is not flawed?

    Annihilus can bypass auto block and gat insane block penetration—rip everyone on invade nodes
    Annihilus loses his stifle debuffs too quickly. It's too much of a hassle trying pause them and gain more when there are nodes and defensive abilities in your way. He is just not reliable. Kabam could just extend his stifle debuff duration and he wouls be just fine. I'm not asking for huge changes just little adjustmets that would make a huge difference. Same would go for HT incinerate.
    Ghost loses her buffs too quickly. It’s too much of a hassle to try and do the unblockable specials thing when there are nodes and defensive abilities that you have to focus on. She’s just not reliable. Kabam could just extend her buffs and phase duration a bit and she’d be fine. I’m not asking for huge changes just little adjustments that would make a huge difference. Same would go for the number of glaive charges Corvus gets. If it could be 30 like when fighting avengers that’d be great.
    Okay you really don't know what you are talking about. Ghost isn't unreliable 😂 Don't try and use the same point on a different champ who has totally different abilities and playstyle. You obviously haven't seen nor played Annihilus and HT to know. This is some hard trolling right here.
    The time tested "you disagree with me therefore you are trolling" argument... he is doing an analogy on what you are doing. They are very good champions, you just want them to be over powered.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    And the whole reason you even thought about this was because of seatin. He’s not god, you know.

    Because of seatin? Oh no... these champs have been flawed since their release.
    They arent flawed. They aren't what you or the community wants since they can't one shot everything.
    You are telling me that Human Torch or Annihilus is not flawed? So long ramp up for an okay amount of damage and little utility is not flawed?

    Annihilus can bypass auto block and gat insane block penetration—rip everyone on invade nodes
    Annihilus loses his stifle debuffs too quickly. It's too much of a hassle trying pause them and gain more when there are nodes and defensive abilities in your way. He is just not reliable. Kabam could just extend his stifle debuff duration and he wouls be just fine. I'm not asking for huge changes just little adjustmets that would make a huge difference. Same would go for HT incinerate.
    Ghost loses her buffs too quickly. It’s too much of a hassle to try and do the unblockable specials thing when there are nodes and defensive abilities that you have to focus on. She’s just not reliable. Kabam could just extend her buffs and phase duration a bit and she’d be fine. I’m not asking for huge changes just little adjustments that would make a huge difference. Same would go for the number of glaive charges Corvus gets. If it could be 30 like when fighting avengers that’d be great.
    Okay you really don't know what you are talking about. Ghost isn't unreliable 😂 Don't try and use the same point on a different champ who has totally different abilities and playstyle. You obviously haven't seen nor played Annihilus and HT to know. This is some hard trolling right here.
    .....actually I’m pointing out that what you’re saying is arbitrary and can be applied to any other champ and still read coherently. That doesn’t mean that it’s right. If you don’t know how to play ghost, she’d seem unreliable. If you aren’t an annihilus expert, he’d seem unreliable. The reliability of a champ reflects the reliability of the person playing the champ. You might look at sentry and say he’s trash, but an experienced sentry player would point out the usefulness of his perfect block and heavy stance.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    Lormif said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    IDoge said:

    And the whole reason you even thought about this was because of seatin. He’s not god, you know.

    Because of seatin? Oh no... these champs have been flawed since their release.
    They arent flawed. They aren't what you or the community wants since they can't one shot everything.
    You are telling me that Human Torch or Annihilus is not flawed? So long ramp up for an okay amount of damage and little utility is not flawed?

    Annihilus can bypass auto block and gat insane block penetration—rip everyone on invade nodes
    Annihilus loses his stifle debuffs too quickly. It's too much of a hassle trying pause them and gain more when there are nodes and defensive abilities in your way. He is just not reliable. Kabam could just extend his stifle debuff duration and he wouls be just fine. I'm not asking for huge changes just little adjustmets that would make a huge difference. Same would go for HT incinerate.
    Ghost loses her buffs too quickly. It’s too much of a hassle to try and do the unblockable specials thing when there are nodes and defensive abilities that you have to focus on. She’s just not reliable. Kabam could just extend her buffs and phase duration a bit and she’d be fine. I’m not asking for huge changes just little adjustments that would make a huge difference. Same would go for the number of glaive charges Corvus gets. If it could be 30 like when fighting avengers that’d be great.
    Okay you really don't know what you are talking about. Ghost isn't unreliable 😂 Don't try and use the same point on a different champ who has totally different abilities and playstyle. You obviously haven't seen nor played Annihilus and HT to know. This is some hard trolling right here.
    The time tested "you disagree with me therefore you are trolling" argument... he is doing an analogy on what you are doing. They are very good champions, you just want them to be over powered.
    And having human torch and annihilus having 3 second longer debuffs would be overpowered? You guys got to be kidding
    giving ghost 3 extra seconds on her phasing would be overpowered?
    giving corvus 3 extra charges would be over powered?
    giving domino 3 extra seconds on her bleed would be over powered?

    It would be unbalancing the way he was created so I would say probably.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Phasing doesn’t do any damage, so yeah an unfair comparison
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    @IDoge so you make a post with a complaint and people give you feedback no problems. Then you decide that you set standards and people should not give feedback unless they pass 5.3 then you get exposed as a poser who hasn't even passed your own limit (oh and YOU derailed the post) then you get salty and start telling people they are derailing the post just as you did as well and then call people ignorant. In conclusion no one should take you seriously.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    @IDoge so you make a post with a complaint and people give you feedback no problems. Then you decide that you set standards and people should not give feedback unless they pass 5.3 then you get exposed as a poser who hasn't even passed your own limit (oh and YOU derailed the post) then you get salty and start telling people they are derailing the post just as you did as well and then call people ignorant. In conclusion no one should take you seriously.

    If you're going to keep on talking about me, then wouldn't you find that derailing the topic? The topic isn't about me so why do you keep bringing me up?
    because you keep making it about others.. calling them ignorant, or trolling, or saying they dont get a say because they are not on the level you want them to be, even if they are on a higher level than you are.. Stop gaslighting.

  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    IDoge said:

    @IDoge so you make a post with a complaint and people give you feedback no problems. Then you decide that you set standards and people should not give feedback unless they pass 5.3 then you get exposed as a poser who hasn't even passed your own limit (oh and YOU derailed the post) then you get salty and start telling people they are derailing the post just as you did as well and then call people ignorant. In conclusion no one should take you seriously.

    If you're going to keep on talking about me, then wouldn't you find that derailing the topic? The topic isn't about me so why do you keep bringing me up? You came on to post just to talk about me and nothing else. Toxicity at its finest.
    The only person being toxic here is you I simply pointed out everything thing and once again you shriveled up salty and called me Toxic. Why would you call me toxic? Perhaps you hope that by calling me toxic people would not think what I said to be true or perhaps you know what I said was true and called me toxic hoping this would make you feel better about yourself. SMH I've seen many hard to swallow pills but nothing is harder to swallow than one's pride.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    I only share this sentiment with diablo and a bit with maw. Diablo doesnt seem to be average or above average in the vast majority of matchups, might be good with suicide mastery and on a long questing path I guess but half the roster can do that and much better at it. Maw isnt as bad as diablo imo because he has a solid us on defence but with the new map its easy to scout ahead and prepare for him unless he is on the hidden node. He does hit like a wet noodle though and thats my biggest complaint. The rest of the champs are pretty solid and have great matchups. Human torch is a beast against mystics and is great for bosses with nova on. Annihilus is pretty good on defence and I have seen some offensive capabilities but I dont know much about him so cant talk that much either. Thing is great, Cull is great, Namor is great, we dont know much about invisible woman but from the vids she seems like an above average champ. As long as new champs are above average with a few sprinkles of amazing champs then I think this game is going in the right direction
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    But if everyone is above average, that becomes the new average, and current characters get left in the dust. New champs can and should be all over the place in terms of usablility and where you use them and defense and skill cap etc. That’s how you create a diverse game.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there everyone, we appreciate the feedback but, since the thread has gone off the rails and become personal. we are going to be closing it down now.
This discussion has been closed.