Game Down 06/19 [Merged Threads]



  • AestericsAesterics Member Posts: 18
    Dear Kabam Mike,

    I would like to bring to your notice that I've lost 10k heroic atlantean rift shards due to the outage that has been just fixed...

    Pls give me back my atlantean rift shards back.. coz the event got expired before you guys fixed the issue..

    Please help
    During today, there was an emergency maintenance without warning, this caused me and many other players rifts to end due to time wasted waiting and therefore were unable to receive our prizes and rewards. Also, I’m free to play so getting 1000 six star shards just to be thrown away is a bunch of BS. We demand and instant compensation of coral
  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    if there wasn't any notification in game or otherwise before the maintenance, then i see no problems with properly compensating those who were affected by the sudden game outage. if there were notifications sent out ahead of time, then no, tough cookie. cheers
  • DarkZenDarkZen Member Posts: 285
    Im back on (",)
    @bb_81 I’m 100% certain that there were no warnings ahead of time
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I think people deserve something for this
  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    then you should be fully compensated with the corals you paid to get in, with the addition of whatever prized path you landed on, imo would be a fair as some landed on featured 5* crystal before the game went down, DO NOT get your hopes up or expect much from kabam at this moment. the game going down out of nowhere seems to be a omen to how kabam is fairing lately and it looks bleak for Netmarble's future.
  • NaTiSaAdNaTiSaAd Member Posts: 61
    Quit deleting my posts!!!! Emergency maintenance happened in the middle of a rift. Please return the coral used for that rift.
  • AstragithAstragith Member Posts: 2
    Was running a Rift when I was DCed. Couldn’t log back on until I had 43 seconds left to run the Rift. Needless to say I failed the Rift. Thank you Kabam for continually showing your dedicated fan base how little we mean to you. I already know 3 things from this.
    1 You don’t care that people used precious resources that have limited time duration.
    2 You won’t bother to actually respond to a single person here at all. You’ll just do your standard issue apology to All Our Customers
    3 You sure as **** ain’t going to reimburse or refund us any items that were used with a duration when the game went down.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Mixalis said:

    Guys. It's very likely that anyone whose rifts were affected by this game outage will be reimbursed. And stuff like this happens sometimes. It's sort of like how you occasionally can have your device crash. It doesn't happen often, but it ruins so much stuff. But you have to suck it up and deal with it. That's literally all anyone can do right now.

    Again, it is VERY likely that people will be compensated for stuff like rifts. I mean it would be nice to hear that timers were paused or something for the duration of the maintenance, but hey. Deal with it.

    Sure they will, because they NEVER reimburse us for their e maintenance
    Prove it. It's us losing out on rewards we otherwise would have gotten due to circumstances beyond our control. Scheduled Maintenance doesn't count under that because we can go 'oh hey maintenance starts in 5 minutes maybe I shouldn't start this rift', but emergency maintenance definitely does.
    And if you don't have any constructive reply to a comment, please just don't reply at all. It doesn't help anyone. If you'd asked that more like 'what makes you think they'll be giving us compensation for this?' then that would have been much more constructive. It's asking a question instead of going 'shut up because I don't agree with what you're saying', which is what that comment comes along as.
    @bb_81 many people have complained about this so this should be dealt with in a few days or at least one weeks time
  • MattMastaMattMasta Member Posts: 2
    I was in a normal rift and want my 10000 shards back as well!!! This was a big setback for me getting to the other three difficulties of the rifts
  • RixmaRixma Member Posts: 43
    I was in a master rift
  • MattMastaMattMasta Member Posts: 2
    My rift was closed and I would like my 10000 shards back!
  • GrimmbananaGrimmbanana Member Posts: 711 ★★
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    So what now? Mission EXPIRED

  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,303 ★★★★★
    Unless you have screenshots no one can help you. And this aint the place for that. Contact support for help. The mods can't access ingame accounts
  • Jedi_HawkeJedi_Hawke Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    I was not in a rift, and was not impacted by the maintenance at all. But if there is compensation for people who lost items, go ahead and send me those freebies also please.
  • NaTiSaAdNaTiSaAd Member Posts: 61
    I was in rift when emergency maintenance happened. When game came back up, the rift had already ended.
  • bb_81bb_81 Member Posts: 147
    @DATCOOLHOMIE i would hope so, but then again that might be a bit of getting your hopes up. if kabam truly cared then they would have sent a notification ahead of the maintenance. i can understand if the game just messed up out of nowhere and they had to fix it, but kabam has an extensive long history of being dishonest , non transparent, greedy and incompetent from head to toe. i wish you and many others like you great luck on getting any compensation from kabam. cheers
  • AstragithAstragith Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2019

    @bb_81 many people have complained about this so this should be dealt with in a few days or at least one weeks time

    You really don’t know Kabam do you? They don’t give a fig about the player base

  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    We'll talk with the team about folks who had Rifts closed out during the maintenance. Once we have information on it, we'll get back to y'all.
  • RubydogRubydog Member Posts: 4
    @Kabam Vydious Thank you please make sure we actually get a response as I think it’s completely fair we are refunded.
  • NaTiSaAdNaTiSaAd Member Posts: 61
    I was in rift and server went down.
  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    edited June 2019
    Mixalis said:

    bb_81 said:

    @Mixalis your last response to Mathking13 was a bit harsh with a shade of mean lol

    bb_81 said:

    @Mixalis your last response to Mathking13 was a bit harsh with a shade of mean lol

    Lol he wrote an entire paragraph, but misunderstood me.
    I'm just saying that you can't prove that they're not going to compensate us and that you shouldn't go assuming stuff like that.
    I mean if you want evidence that I had a point, see the posts by Kabam that were posted to this thread since my last comment. That at least shows that they are CONSIDERING whether they want to do compensation. I read it more as 'hey we need some time to figure out exactly what compensation people need, due to how the maintenance has affected them'. Again, if you think I'm wrong about that, please don't just go 'oh hey you're wrong f*** off', and show me some evidence.
    Not to mention, when I was reading your past comments, it seemed to me like you had 2 points that relied on the other being true; circular thinking, as i call it. You have shown no proof for either point, apart from 'evidence' that relies on the point THAT YOU HAVEN'T PROVEN YET. All I was really wanting to know was 'hey, do you have anything else that ACTUALLY proves your point, or is this flawed thinking on your part?'.

    And I'd just like to make this obvious... I am very sorry if I have come across as inappropriate or rude. It is not my intention to do so, but I can understand if you have read my posts as such.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    edited June 2019
    Hey guys, did you get the same path after compensation or a new one with new items?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    Compensation for lost Coral has been sent to players who started but were unable to finish a rift due to the emergency maintenance. Thanks for your patience!
This discussion has been closed.