Ability triggers are altered by PI difference in champs.
That is why, when I take my 5* Drax in to Heroic areas, he triggers bleed and fury constantly. However, fighting a 20K PI champ, he almost never triggers anything.
With sw it occurs more as you’re probably using a high crit chance champ, spidey evades more because you’re throwing more attacks, stop saying conspiracy theories are facts
No in general, like Spiderman evade more when AI controls them...
If you let your Spiderman just stand there getting hit by your opponent, then your Spidey will evade about the same (provided similar Sig levels). But of course you don't use your attackers like that, lol.
Tip for fighting against a Spidey, Parry him and just hit him while he is stunned (or up to just 1 additional hit attempt after parry-stun wears off, if evades that one after stun ends at least you’re not trying to follow it up with another hit afterwards, which is when you can get into trouble).
Ability triggers are altered by PI difference in champs.
That is why, when I take my 5* Drax in to Heroic areas, he triggers bleed and fury constantly.
However, fighting a 20K PI champ, he almost never triggers anything.
Tip for fighting against a Spidey, Parry him and just hit him while he is stunned (or up to just 1 additional hit attempt after parry-stun wears off, if evades that one after stun ends at least you’re not trying to follow it up with another hit afterwards, which is when you can get into trouble).