Let’s thank Kabam for another awesome month

My last epic unstable rift.

Please continue with this type of reward system. It is really appreciated from the bottom of our hearts.

Please continue with this type of reward system. It is really appreciated from the bottom of our hearts.
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The rifts are one of the worst events and reward systems Kabam has very put out.
I myself love the rifts, yes its luck based but you cant really complain for getting rewards, at least its something
Anyway, here's another example of someone sharing their feedback with kabam and how they are disappointed, and your first comment is saying they're just complaining no matter what and being antagonistic again. You seem to have one mode of attack and I would really hate to be a new player coming on here getting that directed towards me. Just saying.
Some people won't like RNG rewards set up. This forum lets them come and tell kabam, and maybe they will do less of these in the future and more guaranteed rewards for grind. I personally prefer the store setups where you can trade in the monthly currency and pick what you want to put the time toward. But others should be allowed to share their opinion without people taking rude swipes at them who sit on the forum all day.
Just cause some people are content to receive **** for their effort doesnt mean the rest of us should be.
And some of you'll fight this like the idea of better rewards would be your loss.
the thing is this is an rng game, everyone knows it, and have known it. the game would change dramatically if it was not.
First actually getting whatever reward you get
And then secondly the random reward you will get from said reward
Anyway I feel rng in events is just never the way to go
Probably the worst “bonus” event in he game at any point.