6.2.2 Mr.Sinister

You guys need to do something about this Mr.Sinister. It is close to impossible to beat him without specific champs. I’ve literally made it to him 6 times almost full health and can’t even put a dent into him. He is soooo champ specific. I’m literally stuck at him when I could get the rest of 6.2 done with my roster. Without Hyp, Medusa, Cap marvel and 2-3 others it’s impossible. Not even units would help. You still need this champs to even get him down.
Best bet is Hulk with stun chain and revives with 20% since he will get fury and do as much damage as possible before Hulk dies. Good luck man.
Yes, Sinister gets increased healing every time he beats a science champ however he only heals on crits and Hulk has terrible crit rating so the healing shouldn't trigger as much. If you can get to sinister without much trouble I suggest you at least try Hulk out.
I solo him 10 times with CMM+NF+Kamara
no potion used..
Or heimdall synergy team.
Those are pretty much your only reasonable options. Otherwise its spend your way through