Reduce uncolleted difficulty pls kabam next month
I think invisible woman is manageable but the path to her is bs. You can loss combo at the same time your opponent gains 20% per combo. Pls don't put bs node at least put normal more manageable node which can be done with 4 star 5 50.uncolleter is 4 star and 5 star rank 4 most. So pls reduce uncolleted difficulty and introduce cavalier difficulty.
So far, I've 100% chapter 1 .. and working on Abomination ..
but I have finished 1 run on Namor ... (and all others of course) ..
Invisible women definitely was the hardest for me .. however, once I turned off Resonate mastery my 4* daredevil one shot her with ease ..
I didn't have any issues with Namor ...
That all said, I think this month's difficulty was perfect .. I'm probably not going to be able to handle Sue nor Namor for 100% ... but I am doing what I can on Abomination and YJ ...
Sure, it's hard .. but this month, I think they got it tuned properly ... now, if you want to talk about those previous months .. (I recall seeing all the chatter on that .. and I recall how hard MASTER was .. I'm talking about you Darkhawk, and Thing ... ) LOL
(i never did complete Darkhawk on Master back then .. just tossed in the towel and said "Nope").
So I definitely think it's a matter of both perception and your current skill level ..
If you find content too hard ... DON'T DO IT. It's simple ...
In the past, I was suggesting a diffficulty between Master and Uncollected .. however, recently, since they seemed to have "tuned" them both better in last couple months .. I don't think that applies now ..
If anything, I suspect those Cavalier players, wouldn't mind another difficulty BEYOND uncollected to really challenge their pocket books!
The right champs made this month a complete breeze but I am sympathetic because I’ve been in the same situation over the last year.
Until you develop a diverse roster you really just have to take it as some months will be yours and others you have to decide whether to push through it or back out, think it’s important to not take for granted the fact that just because you 100% last month does not mean you’ll be able to do it next