Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Madame Web= (Cosmic)

    Since we have so many Spider-men
    Madame Web, in this case
    be a kind of challenging of the spiderverse.
    Just like Kang and Collector ...

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Ichisumi/ Pestilence: Horsemen of Apocalypse= (Mutant)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Sanjar Javeed/ Death: Horsemen of Apocalypse= (Mutant)

    Disease Projection: Sanjar has an ailment aura. He has the power to transmit a spectrum of terminal diseases (such as the Black Death).depending on what variety of metal he touches. He can infect his victims with lethal diseases. He can target multiple people at once.

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Krugarr= (Cosmic / Mystic)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Entropy = (Cosmic)

    Entropy is the son of Eternity and is part of a small cosmic pantheon that represents the three essential forces in the birth and death of the universe, with Entropy personifying the Big Freeze, and the Big Bang and the Big Crunch being represented by Explosion and Gravitation respectively.

    Once, he sought to destroy his father, thus ending all of creation. He allied himself with Genis-Vell, with whom he succeeded in his plan and destroyed all of creation, leaving only himself, his sister Epiphany, Genis and Rick Jones. Entropy began to regret what he had done, since the prospect of spending the rest of eternity in an empty void was not all that alluring. Rick Jones suggested that he try creating something. Entropy did, and with Genis-Vell's help, he re-created the Universe, thus becoming the new Eternity. As Eternity, he revealed that this was all part of his life cycle.

  • PIZZATIMEPIZZATIME Member Posts: 307

  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    edited July 2019
    Why can’t we delete comments?
    Not related but I messed this one up (I was sending a bunch of images) and I had to edit it like this instead of deleting it
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Gwenompool (yes, she’s a real character)
    Red She-Hulk
    White Tiger
  • SADDANSADDAN Member Posts: 23
  • SADDANSADDAN Member Posts: 23
    Team Worthy (Kuurth, Nerkkod, Nul, Skirn, Angrir, Mokk, Greithoth)

  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 55
    (*= subject to change)
    ( {0},{1},ect. are individual amounts that increase with level and rank )

    Punisher Last Stand (Older)/Punisher Buff (Skill of course)

    Body Armor-
    Enhanced armor nullifies to Shock, Incinerate, and Bleed Debuffs and passively increases Physical Resistance by {0}%.

    Once it nullifies 20* of those debuffs you lose immunity and lose {0}% Physical Resistance and take 200% increased damage from those debuffs for the rest of the fight but gain a 200% Fury buff that lasts for 40 seconds.

    Punisher has spent some time in jail and every 30* seconds can scrounge up a Shiv

    When a Shiv is ready, launch a Heavy attack and you will deal {1}% extra damage and if you don't do 3%* of the opponents and do a guaranteed 3%* damage instead

    When you activate a Shiv go into a Offensive Frenzy buff for 10 seconds

    Every time you use a Shiv all Frenzies active gain 5 seconds in duration

    Punisher goes into berserk and while in Frenzy Punisher gains {2}% increased attack, {3}% increased attack rating, and {4}% increased special damage per Frenzy.

    Depending on the Frenzy you gain some different effects;
    Offensive- every hit deals a Bleed dealing {5} damage over 6 seconds
    Defensive- refresh Body Armor duration and until this frenzy is over you don’t lose Body Armor (If you have the Fury you don’t lose it)
    Evasive- Every hit you take give a Evade passive gives a {6}% chance to evade attacks
    Primal- Double all of the Buffs (attack, crit damage, special damage)

    Refresh all Frenzies with a Heavy attack

    Special 1:

    Gain a Defensive Frenzy for 15 seconds
    Incinerate the opponent and deal {7} damage per second for 5 seconds

    Special 2:

    Gain a Evasive Frenzy for 30* seconds
    This attack can not be evaded

    Special 3:

    Gain a Primal Frenzy for 30 seconds
    Gain Unstoppable and Unblockable for 10 seconds if every Frenzy is active

    Signature Ability:
    Last Man Standing

    Per every dead ally gain a persistent charge
    If you have;
    1- Increases Body Armor charges by 10*
    2- Frenzies Last for 5 extra seconds
    3- {8}% increased attack rating
    4- Gain Vengeful Frenzy for the entire fight

    Vengeful Frenzy- Increases effects of Bleeds and Furies by {9}%

    Reflections of Young and Old (unique)
    Punisher- Deal 1% damage extra per hit on combo meter (max:300) Punisher(LS)- Frenzies last 2 seconds longer
    Punisher 2099- Deal 200% increased energy damage

    Destroyed Futures (Unique)
    Punisher (LS)- The opponent suffers from 10% Ability Accuracy reduction per Frenzy
    Old Man Logan- Since there is a buff coming out I don’t want to put anything yet

    Gods of Death (unique)
    Hela- Dash back and hold block for 1.5 seconds to double any Furies you currently have and for 10 seconds consume no Spirits (1 use)
    Punisher (LS)- When you lose Body Armor gain two 150% Furies (Instead of a 200%)
    Archangel- If you don’t dash back during the fight during the next fight do double neurotoxic damage

    Cause of Destruction
    Kingpin, Taskmaster, Crossbones- -15% decreased ability accuracy
    Punisher (LS)- Double all the increased attack rating, crit damage, and special damage from frenzies
    (All characters must be present from this synergy to activate)

    I have a bio but thats for later
  • W737w7iiwiW737w7iiwi Member Posts: 74
    Charles Xavier
    90 version jean grey blue team
    Ladydeath strike
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 107
    Mechanisms to improve attack stats based on Confidence. Confidence would be built by successfully achieving well-timed maneuvers such as Intercepts and Parries. Parries, allow for temporary stacks of boosts that last 5 seconds each and stack up to 3 under normal circumstances, while Intercepts allow for special stacking that lasts 30 seconds and convert any active parry stacks.
    • Gladiator would be a flying champ like Hyperion but would have a different looking heavy
    • Also give him a different looking Sp1 and 2 that uses eye beams and hurricane force breath
    • These hit harder based on maintaining High Confidence by frequently parrying to refresh his confidence meter
    • Intercepting freezes the Confidence level for 25 seconds, allowing his current stacks to be effective for max 30 secs
    • Parrying while Confidence is prolonged also adds to the prolonged boost to his abilities
    • If confidence is lost, eye beams do not cause incineration and punches or breath do not cause armor break
    • He has a separate confidence meter that counts up whenever characters evade him or stay away from him
    • When this counter reaches max he becomes over confident and all abilities max out
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Team Worthy (Kuurth, Nerkkod, Nul, Skirn, Angrir, Mokk, Greithoth)

  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    I have an idea for both October champs as well as a potential story and third string champ of kabam has the time to do it. I would like to see more mystic champs added and believe that Werewolf-by-Night would be a good start as he would most likely have a syn boost with Moonknight as they are arch enemies as well as Night Thrasher and Darkhawk, possibly a syn boost with beast as they share physical features with each other and a boost with Namor similar to Namor and Moonknight, as well as a boost with the big character for the month... Dracula, Dracula should be added because of what Kabam can do with him, being a major threat and mystic at that he'd be a great addition. Dracula would also have boost with Blade, Red Skull, Captain America and potentially Nightcrawler, Mephisto, Morningstar, Guillotine and the 2 Sorceror Supremes: Strange and Voodoo. For the third champ I'd like to see if possible would be Jack O' Lantern as he's a Halloween themed villain with a grudge against Agent Venom/Venom or any symbiode character really, he has similar qualities to Green Goblin which could imply a syn boost as well as having a past with Ghost Rider. All in all if only 2 were to be added then I'd still say Werewolf-by-Night as the minor and Dracula as the major champs added.

    Potential abilities for WBN could be bleed resistant, bleed, a unique ability that utilizes the heightened senses to strike even invisible foes, and something basic like critical hits being given more frequency/power. For Dracula: bleed, life drain, power drain, invisibility and bleed immunity (as he is already undead). If JOL is added then he should be given incinerate, poison, armour break, bleed and something similar to GG's madness.

    For story the first 2 quest can start off as recruitment for Blade and Moonknight with a team of whoever, hopefully Cap then follow te last 4 quests with villains like GG, Abom, Mephisto, Dorm, Morningstar and finishe with the last 2 as WBN as the second last boss and Dracula as the climax
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Another duo and possible third with story could be Stingray, Tigershark and Attuma for the possible third. The best part about all these potential champs is that they're all different classes (in my opinion).

    The first champ is Stingray who's a hero and friend to the Sub-Mariner, Namor. Stingray would be a tech as his suit of armour grants him his abilities. Potential syn boosts would of course be with the opposing champ(s) Tigershark(main champ) and Attuma(potential sideliner) as well as boosts with Namor as they are allies, all armoured characters, and deadpool(red), massacre, and domino for mercs for money. Some potential abilities for Stingray would be shock, stun, physical resist(because of pressurized suit), and armour break.

    Tigershark who is a villain to both Stingray and the Sub-Mariner would be the main attraction of this event. Tigershark would be a science champ. Some syn boosts would be a unique boost with Stingray(as they're brothers-in-law) as well as an enemies boost with both Stingray and Namor, as well as a teammates boost with Abomination and Ultron(classic [because the masters of evil]), if Attuma was also added to the contest then I'd recommend a rival boost with Attuma. Some abilities would be bleed resistance, bleed, something similar to frenzy and maybe some other unique ability(ies).

    Attuma is a would-be-conqueror of Atlantis as well as a "political" rival to Namor. For Attuma, should he be added, I would recommend skill class as he was born an Atlantean. For syn boosts I would reccomend Namor for a unique boost, Namor for nemesis, Iron Man/Hulk/Thor/Captain America as enemies, Unique boost with Red Skull/MODOK/Kingpin/Loki because of the Cabal in the contest. Some abilities would be fury, bleed, and some unique abilities Kabam comes up with.

    For story First quest is a battle with Namor followed in the second by recruitment of Stingray. For the next 2-3 quests battle assorted villains until climaxing with either Tigershark (or have Togershark as second last for the bigger villain...) Attuma.

  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Another pairing with a hero and a villain could be Wonder Man and the Grim Reaper (both of whom are brothers).

    The first would be Grim Reaper, a merc who's alligence is to Hydra. Grim Reaper would be a tech champ because of his energy scythe. Some syn boosts would be a unique boost with Wonder Man, a unique boost with Crossbones/Taskmaster, a unique boost with Red Skull/Punisher 2099, and an enemies boost with Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye. Some abilities would be bleed, power drain, shock, and maybe some other abilities.

    Wonder Man is an actor and occasional hero/villain given powers by Zemo to infiltrate the Avengers. Wonder Man would be a science champ. Some syn boosts would be a unique boost with Grim Reaper, teammates with Scarlet Witch/Vision, friends with Hawkeye/Hulk and rival with all Iron Man champs. Some abilities are power gain, fury, energy absorption, armour break, and a unique ability signifying his unstable body.

    For story It'll be primarily villains associated with hydra until the last 2 with the second last being Grim Reaper and Wonder Man at the end.
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 64
    Last for today will be Absorbing Man and Titania. (Criminals who fell in love then divorced)

    Whichever is the main champ added doesn't matter to me here as they're both great.

    Absorbing Man, a.k.a Carl "Crusher" Creel, a man Thor had apprehended and handed over to police that Loki seeked to use as a pawn against Thor granting Creel the ability to absorb the properties of anything he touched. Absorbing Man would be a mystic champ. Some syn boosts would be a unique boost with Titania, enemies with Hulk, nemesis with Thor and a unique boost with Loki. Some abilities would be something like Venom where he gains random buff charges after a period of time depending on what he's doing.

    Titania was a scrawny high school student when the Beyonder took her school and used it for his battle world where she met Dr. Doom who gave her powers which saw Titania transform from a frail high school student to super strong, super buff, super villain. Titania would be a science champ. Some syn boosts would be a unique boost with Absorbing Man, a nemesis boost with She-Hulk, enemies with Thor/Rogue/Wolverine, and another unique boost with both Absorbing Man and Jane Foster (because of Titania's former cancer). Some abilities would be fury, and whatever unique abilities Kabam can come up with.
  • Dan99Dan99 Member Posts: 132
    Crimson Dynamo

    When he blocks an Unblockable attack, it triggers an Indestructible and Unstoppable buff on Crimson Dynamo that lasts (?) seconds. He also gains a Fury passive that lasts until the end of the fight, up to a max of (?) stacks.

    energy attacks:
    His medium attacks deal energy damage, and he has the unique ability of dealing a combo of hits composed solely of medium attacks.

  • _That1Guy__That1Guy_ Member Posts: 16

    I have a great idea for the game and it's characters(old and new).How about just releasing 1 CHAMPION A MONTH?This way you can focus more on fixing the game and it'll help you fully test a champ before you release it....Love the game Kabam keep up the great work.I know we give you guys alot of cr@p and you do do some shady stuff sometimes but we can all get along for the greater good.Love us and we'll love you back😘 #truebeliever

    How about 1 NEW champ a month,and buffing 1 OLD champ?
  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    The Runner (Gilpetperdon) / Elder of the Universe= (Cosmic)

    It would be cool to put a cosmic sprinter in the game.
    Yet another Elder of the Universe!

    As its name says, Runner is a cosmic entity that runs through the universe.
    It has existed for more than 5 billion years. He is an Ancient of the Universe and was present at the time of the Big Bang that gave rise to the Marvel Universe.
    Runner travels the universe thousands of miles per hour and can never stop running.
    He was once the guardian of the Space Jewel, but Thanos managed to steal it by using the Time Jewel to paralyze Runner.


    The Power Primordial: The Runner's body has been imbued with a portion of the Power Primordial, which is residual energy left over from the Big Bang that created the current Marvel Universe. This energy manifests itself as cosmic energy that the Runner has spent countless eons channeling for certain purposes, such as granting himself superhuman attributes at various levels. The Runner has essentially trained himself over billions of years to channel this energy to grant himself the powers he's wanted and at what level he wants them. This makes the Power Primordial similar to the cosmic energy utilized by the Eternals, only to a much greater degree.
    Superhuman Strength: The Runner has channeled a portion of the Power Primordial to grant him superhuman strength. The Runner is sufficiently strong enough to physically overpower beings such as Silver Surfer in battle.
    Absolute Speed: As his name implies, the Runner has devoted much of the Power Primordial to build up his speed. He can run, move, and think at incredible velocities. The upper limit of his speed isn't known and, while within the atmosphere of a planet that supports life or can support life, the Runner restrains himself to speeds well below his maximum. However, he has been known to run tens of thousands of miles per hour while on a planet with ease. It is believed that while in possession of the Space Gem that the Runners speed was increased but as confirmed by Thanos it occasionally allowed him to teleport to locations before he himself wanted to be there.
    Flight: The Runner is also capable of propelling himself through the air or outer space under his own power. Although he is technically flying while doing this, he actually appears as though he's running. The Runner is capable of flying at speeds many times the Speed of Light, which is roughly 186,000 miles per second. He is arguably the fastest being in the Marvel Universe.
    Absolute Stamina: The Runner has also devoted a great deal of the Power Primordial to increase the efficiency of his musculature, which is infinitely superior to the musculature of a human being. The Runner's muscles produce no fatigue toxins during physical activity, granting him limitless superhuman stamina in all physical activities.
    Superhuman Durability: The Runner's body is composed of a flexible metallic alloy that renders him practically invulnerable to conventional physical injury. He can withstand powerful impact forces, exposure to extreme heat and pressures, powerful impact forces, and can survive indefinitely within the depths of space without being injured. His body is also specifically designed to withstand the rigors and damage that moving at such extreme velocities could cause to the tissue of most other beings.
    Absolute Immortality: While many beings have claimed to be immortal, the Runner is one of the few beings that truly is immortal. As a result of the Elders of the Universe being banned from entering Death's realm by Death itself, The Runner is incapable of dying. While it is possible for him to be injured or rendered unconscious, his body can literally heal him from any type of injury, no matter how severe or how long it might take. Even without Death's edict of banishment, the Power Primordial has made the Runner completely immune to the effects of aging and all known diseases. He also requires no food, water or air as the Power Primordial energies are all that is necessary to sustain him.
    Superhuman Agility: The Runner has channeled the Power Primordial to enhance his agility, balance, and bodily coordination to levels beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
    Superhuman Reflexes: The Runner's reflexes have been enhanced even further, enabling him to react almost instantaneously.
    Energy Blasts: The Runner has also channeled the Power Primordial for the purposes of firing powerful blasts of concussive force from his hands. It isn't known if he can use these energy blasts for other purposes, such as generating intense heat, light, or to rearrange matter on a molecular level. These blasts have proven powerful enough to harm the Silver Surfer in the past.
    Psionics: The Runner has demonstrated a psionic ability to stimulate the pleasure centers in the brains of beings around him, essentially causing them to feel good or to feel at ease. The exact nature and full limits of this power aren't known, nor is it known if the Runner can consciously control it.

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    In-Betweener/Elders of the Universe= (Cosmic)

    The In-Betweener possesses sufficient power to alter reality on a cosmic scale. However, the In-Betweener is not all-knowing or infallible. Indeed, within the parameters of the In-Betweener's existence are both power and weakness, knowledge and ignorance.

    Super-Genius Intelligence:

    Strength level

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78

    Challenger/Elder of the Universe= (Cosmic)

    The being that would become known as the Challenger was one of the original Elders of the Universe, a group that consisted of the last survivors of the first sentient species made immortal. Each Elder turned to a hobby in order to fill their immortal lifespan. The Challenger shared his hobby of playing games with En Dwi Gast, with whom he grew closer since they were constantly oppontents.


    Power Primordial: The Power Primordial is residual energy left over from the Big Bang that created the current Marvel Universe. The Challenger is the last member of his race and he, like all other Elders, maintains his powers and himself through his obsessions, with his being games.

    Superhuman Strength: Challenger possesses vast superhuman strength of unknown levels. He was strong enough to send Hulk flying from Earth into Earth Orbit with one blow.
    Superhuman Durability: Challenger possessed extraordinary durability. He has withstood blows from an enraged Hulk and an assault from numerous heroes.
    Immortality: Through the channeling of the Power Primordial, the Challenger is immortal in the sense that he no longer ages and is immune to disease and illness. He also doesn't require food, water, or even air to breathe and can survive indefinitely in a complete vacuum.
    Resurrection (possibly): The Challenger has demonstrated the ability to resurrect the dead as he did with the deceased members of the Black Order and the Hulk.It hasn't been shown, though, if this is a true power of his or if he resurrects beings through technological means.
    Energy Manipulation: The Challenger is capable of projecting potent blasts of energy from his hands.

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Elders of the Universe= (Cosmic)

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Oblivion= (Cosmic)

    Oblivion came into existence together with the cosmic entities Eternity, Infinity and Death when the universe was created and these beings see each other as siblings. Another being, known as Galactus, was born later, from the ashes of the previous universe and is also seen as a sibling by these beings. Oblivion has a very close relationship with Death and the two may be different aspects of the same being, just as Infinity and Eternity are. Just like Eternity and Death have a strong rivalry, Oblivion has a strong rivalry with Infinity, a rivalry usually fought through avatars. Oblivion usually resides inside a pocket dimension, known as the Outer Void.

    Annihilus, lord of the Negative Zone, was allegedly the first born-born son of Oblivion. Oblivion also had a daughter, the being known as Mirage, who assumed the human form of Marge Smith. As Marge Smith, Mirage tried to turn Iceman against her father. In return, Oblivion used three aliens known as White Light, the Idiot and Kali to attack his daughter. He also tried to turn Iceman against Mirage, but in the end Iceman convinced the two to settle their differences peacefully.


    Oblivion is a cosmic and also a virtually omnipotent entity representing the inevitable ending of all things, oblivion itself. He can manifest anywhere he wishes, and cannot be affected by the mortal plane if it doesn't suit him. Oblivion can empower agents or avatars with different amounts of power to act in his name.

    Strength level

  • Fan1241Fan1241 Member Posts: 47
    Lets talk about comics. Where the hell is adam warlock!??
  • HioHio Member Posts: 16
    I think you should add the imperfects.
    1) brigade
    2) fault zone
    3) hazmat
    4) Johnny ohm (if you were going to add any of these, he would be my preference)
    5) Niles van rokel

    6) paragon
    7) solara
    8) the wink

  • Felipe300Felipe300 Member Posts: 78
    Magma/Amara Aquilla "X-Men Evolution= (Mutant)


    Geokinesis: Amara can psionically control the movement of tectonic plates within the Earth's crust. This ability is of relatively short range, probably no more than a radius of a few city blocks, but within this area she can create both small and large earthquakes.

    Geo-thermokinesis: She can cause magma, molten rock from deep within the earth, to rise and break through the surface, forming miniature volcanoes. She can also turn nearby rock molten and telekenetically project fiery blasts of magma at targets. Magma's power to create small or large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is linked to her emotions.

    Magma Form: When using her powers, Magma's body shines with intense light and gives off tremendous heat. Her hair seems ablaze with fiery light, and neither her own heat nor heat from any other known source can harm her while in this form. She is also not blinded by the light that her magma form radiates. Although she has triggered small earth tremors without taking on this glowing form, she has never been seen to use her lava blasts while in her ordinary human appearance.
    Pyrokinesis: Magma can create flames and project blasts of heat that do not contain any molten rock. However, she apparently prefers to shoot molten rock blasts rather than simple heat blasts, perhaps because the magma blasts have a solid concussive impact that can knock down a target. The highest level of heat that Magma can generate is not yet known, but it is believed that she can reach at least 850° Fahrenheit or higher.

  • HyQyleHyQyle Member Posts: 3
    I know there are many Spider-Man already. But since Spider-Man (Peter Parker) has Science, Cosmic, Tech and Skill already, let's hope we get a Mystic and Mutant Spider-Man champion.

    Spirit Spider [Mystic]

    Man-Spider [Mutant]

    This Summoner could only dream this could happen. 😁
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★
    Please no more Spider people
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