Map 5 Hyperion Mini-Boss Counters?

So, even with the nerf, the Hyperion map 5 minibosses can be a tough fight without being able to gain power for the first bit of the fight, and the second one even more of a BS fight, as sadist punishes one of the best counters to him. Alliance mates have tried a variety of counters, from Gwenpool to Vision, but I still find two to be the best.
We will start with the obvious one, which is Magik. Of course, you are counting on RNG for Hype to throw specials instead of turtling up and hitting you with an L3. Once you can gain power, you should be able to get to L2 quickly and rule the rest of the fight, especially if you have MD 3+ where you get power each time his power gain buff expires. If you are not able to bait specials, if you are able to get to your L1 fast enough and trigger Limbo, you could possibly also eat an L3 if he throws it while Limbo is active, assuming your Magik is awakened and strong enough to take one L3.
Most of the time my Magik is in AW, so I've found the best counter to be Luke Cage. You still rely quite a bit on RNG, but he can work out in most fights. For one, you have a safeguard and can eat an L3 without damage because of his awakened ability (and perhaps another later in the fight, but you shouldn't need to) if you fail to bait successfully in the beginning. With Luke Cage, his light attacks have a chance to trigger exhaustion debuffs, and each exhaustion reduces power gain effects by 25%. So, if you can get 4 exhaustion on him, you stop his power gain when his buff procs. With more than 4, it actually reverses the power gain. Now you are counting on RNG for Hype to throw specials and for LC to proc exhaustion, but it is generally doable. The trick is to fight pretty aggressively using MLLLL combos to maximize light hits to proc exhaustion, but leave yourself open in small windows for him to throw specials. You can stop his power gain sometimes even before you can start to gain power yourself, or lessen it, at the very least, giving more time to bait (watch Dork Lessons vid on baiting like a ninja if you need help).
I like to save up to LC's L3 because it puts 5 exhaustion charges on the opponent. After that, it is easy to keep 4+ throughout the rest of the fight, and the rest is cake. My last fight, I had 9 exhaustion on him. After the first L3, I usually just use the L1 to chain stun, but it depends on how exhaustion is proc'ing.
Here's the rub. The second Hype has a sadist node on him, so for each debuff he gains 50% attack. This irked me, as it punishes one of the few good counters there is. That means with 4 exhaustion debuffs, he has an additional 200% attack (and for 9, forget about it), so you have to play very well. Still bait specials and punish them when you can, get your intercept game on point, and always land parries to avoid detrimental block damage. And of course, don't get hit.
A couple other viable counters would be The Hood, Symbiote Supreme, although I haven't tried those, and Switch (if they would make her a 5 star, as the 4 star isn't quite strong enough if your alliance has decent prestige).
Anyway, still think he is sort of an OP mini for map 5 and most people running it, but I hope these suggestions help. Please comment with any other good counters you have found to help out the community.
We will start with the obvious one, which is Magik. Of course, you are counting on RNG for Hype to throw specials instead of turtling up and hitting you with an L3. Once you can gain power, you should be able to get to L2 quickly and rule the rest of the fight, especially if you have MD 3+ where you get power each time his power gain buff expires. If you are not able to bait specials, if you are able to get to your L1 fast enough and trigger Limbo, you could possibly also eat an L3 if he throws it while Limbo is active, assuming your Magik is awakened and strong enough to take one L3.
Most of the time my Magik is in AW, so I've found the best counter to be Luke Cage. You still rely quite a bit on RNG, but he can work out in most fights. For one, you have a safeguard and can eat an L3 without damage because of his awakened ability (and perhaps another later in the fight, but you shouldn't need to) if you fail to bait successfully in the beginning. With Luke Cage, his light attacks have a chance to trigger exhaustion debuffs, and each exhaustion reduces power gain effects by 25%. So, if you can get 4 exhaustion on him, you stop his power gain when his buff procs. With more than 4, it actually reverses the power gain. Now you are counting on RNG for Hype to throw specials and for LC to proc exhaustion, but it is generally doable. The trick is to fight pretty aggressively using MLLLL combos to maximize light hits to proc exhaustion, but leave yourself open in small windows for him to throw specials. You can stop his power gain sometimes even before you can start to gain power yourself, or lessen it, at the very least, giving more time to bait (watch Dork Lessons vid on baiting like a ninja if you need help).
I like to save up to LC's L3 because it puts 5 exhaustion charges on the opponent. After that, it is easy to keep 4+ throughout the rest of the fight, and the rest is cake. My last fight, I had 9 exhaustion on him. After the first L3, I usually just use the L1 to chain stun, but it depends on how exhaustion is proc'ing.
Here's the rub. The second Hype has a sadist node on him, so for each debuff he gains 50% attack. This irked me, as it punishes one of the few good counters there is. That means with 4 exhaustion debuffs, he has an additional 200% attack (and for 9, forget about it), so you have to play very well. Still bait specials and punish them when you can, get your intercept game on point, and always land parries to avoid detrimental block damage. And of course, don't get hit.

A couple other viable counters would be The Hood, Symbiote Supreme, although I haven't tried those, and Switch (if they would make her a 5 star, as the 4 star isn't quite strong enough if your alliance has decent prestige).
Anyway, still think he is sort of an OP mini for map 5 and most people running it, but I hope these suggestions help. Please comment with any other good counters you have found to help out the community.
She-Hulk could work well with her furies stacking a taunt effect on Hype, makong it easier to bait specials. Especially if you get good RNG on the specials early.
Btw the +50% damage when getting a debuff doesnt really matter since you parry him 1 time at the start of the fight. After that you only punish SPs or stunlock him. Maybe you parry a second time when your stun fails or you have to much exaustions on him. I do it with a 4* LC.
I once even took a full combo (without passive) and got maybe -50% hp since LC is really tanky and hyperion has a low crit rating.
1 more trick:
You can pause right before he gets to SP3 (when you dont have the dupe up) and wait for the timeout. You loose 50% hp but can fight again
Really not a ton of counters, but hopefully this helps some find one that works for them.
Jean foster
Luke Cage
Symbiote supreme works though, you can steal his power easily, tank his specials, nullify his power gain buffs. He has quite a few abilities that can help him take control in that fight. Then you can just melt his health away with bleed and armour break.