Gratz OP. I actually banged out the last two paths myself this past weekend. I thought the unblockable 5.2 was the last path, and then discovered I had forgotten that northwestward path splits into two and had to go back for that one. Man that was initially disappointing.
I've been eyeing those resources for such a long time, and now that I have them I'm not sure what I should do with them. I'm going to be just letting them sit in my inventory for a while, while I ponder the notion on actually being full on T5B. Which I thought would never happen.
Gratz OP. I actually banged out the last two paths myself this past weekend. I thought the unblockable 5.2 was the last path, and then discovered I had forgotten that northwestward path splits into two and had to go back for that one. Man that was initially disappointing.
I've been eyeing those resources for such a long time, and now that I have them I'm not sure what I should do with them. I'm going to be just letting them sit in my inventory for a while, while I ponder the notion on actually being full on T5B. Which I thought would never happen.
I know how u feel. Not sure what to do with all those T2As I got from Act 5. Just wish I had 1 rank down ticket just in case I choose poorly, lol 😋
Hi All! In chapter 3 where I can pass certain lines with a key but during the line I quit the quest, do I lose the key or I do get it back? Thanks for the answer in advance!
Also, how’s the Sentinel at 4/55? Mine is unduped at 3/45 atm and I’m considering ranking him up for Variant 2/3, Act 5 Biohazard and AQ map 5, but I’m hesitant to part with my T2A haha
i have a question, it's a mistake explore 5.3 first? cause i read that 5.4 is easy for the full exploration, but i'm already did 2/3 paths on every quest on 5.3. should i keep going or skip it and go for 5.4 ??
i have a question, it's a mistake explore 5.3 first? cause i read that 5.4 is easy for the full exploration, but i'm already did 2/3 paths on every quest on 5.3. should i keep going or skip it and go for 5.4 ??
If 2/3 means two thirds or 66%, then it's better to do 5.3 imo, unless you don't need the 5* AG. If 2/3 means two or three, I'd go for 5.4 exploration, because the rewards are for both those who need new champs and those who need awakening
Congrats, now pump sigs into Ægon and explore LOL next. That's what I'm doing now. It's surprisingly easy with Ægon once you ramp him up all the way. Save up 500 units and run a path
Also, how’s the Sentinel at 4/55? Mine is unduped at 3/45 atm and I’m considering ranking him up for Variant 2/3, Act 5 Biohazard and AQ map 5, but I’m hesitant to part with my T2A haha
I have a 5/65 Sentinel and trust me, you'll get a ton of use out of him in the areas you mentioned. Try to get him awakened if you can, makes the ramp up a lot quicker.
Also, how’s the Sentinel at 4/55? Mine is unduped at 3/45 atm and I’m considering ranking him up for Variant 2/3, Act 5 Biohazard and AQ map 5, but I’m hesitant to part with my T2A haha
I have a 5/65 Sentinel and trust me, you'll get a ton of use out of him in the areas you mentioned. Try to get him awakened if you can, makes the ramp up a lot quicker.
Nice one. I have 6 4/55's and I'm still nowhere near fully exploring Act 5. Posts like these makes me want to just get it over with.
Don't worry ,3 months ago I pulled my first 6* and before that I didn't touch any story quest after beating the collector for the first time.Was only exploring monthly Uncollected.But then suddenly pushed for completion and it was over within 6/7 hoirs.I had 6 r4 and few r3 5* beside the single 6*.But tomorrow I will open my third 6* and would be able to get first 5/65 but I am nowhere near close to exploring act 5 😆😆. I have done the initial completion of 6.1 though.
R those the heroes u use?
If so, how did OR work out for u?
Your team is pretty similar to the one I'm gonna take in. Sentinel, Iceman, LC, GR, and Blade. Hopefully I won't need 4 team revs.
But, congrats dude. Must feel awesome!
I've been eyeing those resources for such a long time, and now that I have them I'm not sure what I should do with them. I'm going to be just letting them sit in my inventory for a while, while I ponder the notion on actually being full on T5B. Which I thought would never happen.
Also, how’s the Sentinel at 4/55? Mine is unduped at 3/45 atm and I’m considering ranking him up for Variant 2/3, Act 5 Biohazard and AQ map 5, but I’m hesitant to part with my T2A haha
i have a question, it's a mistake explore 5.3 first? cause i read that 5.4 is easy for the full exploration, but i'm already did 2/3 paths on every quest on 5.3. should i keep going or skip it and go for 5.4 ??
I’ve got one more line in 5.5.6 which is on the bleed/poison path and I’m done.