Colossus already won, vote for your 2nd choice to ensure it gets buffed too!

Guys, at this point it is clear Colossus will be the winner. But what if two champs have similar results? They would most likely buff two at the same time like they have been doing in the past. They may also take further results into consideration while determining the order of future buffs. I want Colossus buff too, but since it's almost sure he will win anyway I am voting for IP so he gets buffed with or right after Colossus

Venom + carnage
She hulk+ spidergwen
Oh well, i have both OML and colossus and also Iron patriot and HB. Would have been ok with any of them getting buffed.
this means that if you can stack 20 armor buffs, you gain a +400% atk and +300% increased power gain... nothing to laugh at, in my opinion!