5* RNG
Member Posts: 71 ★
Was just looking at a FB post where MCOC players were posting the first 15-20ish 5* they got and I know it’s RNG but seems strange how many photos had Iron Patriot, Kamala Khan, Civil Warrior, Rocket Raccoon, King Groot, Ant Man, Colossus or Ant Man in them and I also have all of them except Colossus and I just got my 25th 5* so it seems strange that the “”RNG”” seems to give lots of those champs as people first bunch of 5*, I wonder if anyone else got any or all of those for their first handful also ???
Iron Man
Iron Patriot
Luke Cage
Doctor Octopus
Green Goblin
Unstoppable Colossus
Two I did purchase (5* Unstoppable Colossus) from Loyalty and Units (Vision). Other than that the other are what I have pulled in 5* crystals. Until Juggernaut who is my most recent I kept pulling a lot of Tech. Still looking forward to obtaining a Skill or Cosmic 5* champion.
I think for the most part I have had some really good pulls and I'm a F2P player and play on a limited basis. Just food for thought.