Grrr... Arenas

Okay, I don't know why, but all of the methods I've tried for arenas don't work for me. And trust me, I've tried them all. About 100,000 points is the most I can get before I start running into teams that are 3x my PI, and some I can handle and others just kick my butt. I need a foolproof, easy-to-understand method to get to the infinite streak. Don't give me any of this rank and level stuff. If I can't find that information from the arena screen, I don't want to know about it. I don't want to have to guess "Is this champion a level 5 or a level 20 or is s/he a rank 2 or a rank 4?"
Normally, I start at the top for points and then work my way down. But once I get to round 8, I start running into champs that I can't beat. Sometimes I'm lucky and get to the streak, but I lose it after about five rounds. I've tried everything, and my frustration at having to take on teams that are monsters compared mine is getting annoying. Or champs that are 20x my speed--especially Juggernaut.
No one will truly be able to help me, I'm sure. You'll just direct me to a video that will provide me no helpful information, or you'll talk about doing the arena in such a complicated way that I'll never figure it out. But, I thought I'd at least ask.
Thank you for your time.
Normally, I start at the top for points and then work my way down. But once I get to round 8, I start running into champs that I can't beat. Sometimes I'm lucky and get to the streak, but I lose it after about five rounds. I've tried everything, and my frustration at having to take on teams that are monsters compared mine is getting annoying. Or champs that are 20x my speed--especially Juggernaut.
No one will truly be able to help me, I'm sure. You'll just direct me to a video that will provide me no helpful information, or you'll talk about doing the arena in such a complicated way that I'll never figure it out. But, I thought I'd at least ask.
Thank you for your time.
This information will be important to answer your question sir or ma’am.🙂
Using this method I've pulled every champ I went for in the 4* Basic Arena since I figured it out.
Other tip: Try to get all 4*s to R2 and max out the 3*s you can. Any ISO you don't need for bigger priority rank ups dump into some good 3*s. This really helps. It'll repay you in Prem/3 & 4* shard crystals ISO later, as well as lots of gold and units.
Most of the infinite streak strategies are extremely simple in overall terms, although that presumes the player considers knowing what they are bringing into the arena "simple." I find there's two fundamental principles that form the basis for most infinite streak strategies. The first one is that the game will make your match up increasingly more difficult up to a certain point (streak counter), then that difficulty will drop for a while, and then level off. Precisely when this happens is the subject of some debate, but the peak occurs somewhere around streak counter 9 through 12, and levels off in the range of 15-20, depending on the arena.
While you're in the ramp up stage you generally want to be using your weaker champs. Because the fight is going to be easy anyway, you might as well save your stronger champs for the later rounds. It is reasonably safe to use lower champs until around round 6 to maybe 8. At this point you're in the danger zone and you need a strategy to get from 8 to 15. There are several. Principle two kicks in here: match ups are based on your overall team rating, not individual champs. This creates two opportunities. The first one I tend to use in arenas like the T4B arena. When I get to about streak 7ish I make sure I'm using 4/40 3* champs (max rank). I will draw "harder" matches, but the game seems to have a maximum difficulty it is willing to throw at me if I'm using 3* champs. So if I use max rank 3*, that makes the gap between me and the computer as low as possible. When I get to about streak 10 I switch to rank 5 4* champs: again, the computer has a limit on how high it will go if I only use 4* champs, so I'm once again reducing the gap to its minimum. This doesn't create easy match ups, but it is manageable for me.
Option two is to sandbag. Which is to say, you bring in two high champs and one low champ. Say you bring in two champs with 3000 rating and one with 300 rating. Your total team rating is 6300. The computer will calculate a match based on that rating, and even if it throws something twice as strong as you that would be a 12600 rating team which is likely to be something like three champs of about 4200 rating. That means you have a pretty good chance of getting two out of three wins, because two of the fights will be 3000 vs 4200, a reasonably close match. The last fight is a throw away, you only need two to continue the streak.
In general, the basic strategy is to ramp your champs up kind of in parallel with the game ramping up difficulty, then try to use your best champs to get past "the hump" between 8 and 15, and then just don't drop too low until you coast past 20, and then just stay above a critical level forever. This does take some thought and planning, and practice, and if that's too much work for you, then at least this might help someone else.
1-9 r4 3 stars
10-13 r4 4 stars
14-19 r3 4 stars
And then anything r3 4 star or higher.
This works for me every time. I have been playing a year-and-a-few months.
6 - 4* R5/50
12 - 4* R4/40
18 - 4* R3/30
and many 1/10 4*
When i start de arena (the first day) i count after my last 3/30 (the more weak) and i count groups of 3 to make fast the first x3, so i need 15 4* 1/10, and i use them from bottom to top,
After that i have now 36 4* between (3/30-5/50) so i start from at botton to top i dont need any secuence or any like use 3/30 and 2 5/50 etc, no just i use all from the more weak(3/30 at bottom) to finisht at the strong (top 5/50) and i make the infinite streak without problems now. the only rule i have is when i come to the last 9 champs, because i have 6 5/50, i make 3 grupos like (2 5/50 and one 4/40) 3 times.
when my 4* isn't in cooldown i dont need again the 1/10 4*, so i start only with my 3/30 and make again the same step at the begining.
with that i can do 4M in 3 days maybe (5 rounds per day) or if you want only make the objetives you can do 3-2 rounds per day, you need to know how much points you can do each round and you will know how many rounds you will do to win a 4* basic when you want run for it.
PS after win streak 20 when im fighting with a 3/30 group always the enemi has all 3/30 champs in hard, is easy to make a infinite streak to me now with that steps.
PS. level up your 4* to rank 3/30, dont will need T4basic, only need T3basic and T2class so it will not expensive, and the arena will make really easy to you.
Sorry for my english.
Then for fights 13-14 I use a 4/40 and 2 3/30’s as if you use a team of 5/50 the PI is too low and you lose points. Next fights I use my 5/50’s until about fight 18 I think and you are then in infinite streak where as long as you use a team of max rank 3* and above you are fine and shouldn’t encounter a death match.
If you don’t have many max rank 4* you can still use your 4/40’s in those fights
3-star Featured: max 4/40 opponents; you should be able to handle any fights with 3/30s. Don't think that this arena is beneath you - imagine how effective the full FF are going to be! Or how useful that 3*Nick Fury could have been for synergies.
4-star Basic: max 5/50 opponents; you should be able to handle any fights with your 4/40s. Stronger champs and those with effective power drain should be able to handle any fights at 3/30.
4-star Featured: max 5/65 opponents. You're going to struggle to get to streak here with your roster; and you're never going to get the top champion. I'd avoid this arena for now.
5-star Featured: max 2/35 6* opponents: Just don't go into this arena. At all.
Catalyst Arenas: max 5/65 opponents. You're going to struggle to get to streak here with your roster; but it is possible; and if you want to, you can get T1A and T4B catalysts without ever 'streaking'. Probably your most reliable source of T1A and T4B. The T4CC arena is much less rewarding - don't waste your time.
Crystal Splash: max 3/30. Like the 3*Arena, you can grind with 2/20s if you want to.
More advice for arenas:
- Don't use all your weakest champs in the first few rounds - hold back some to 'sandbag' in rounds 10-15.
- Hold back your power control champions for the toughest fights, 14-15.
- For fights 16-20, use your highest PI champs; as if you accidentally use weaker ones, the game algorithm might give you a horrible deathmatch.
- Be sure to use Arena boosts for those times you really want extra points to win a particular champion
If you really want to get as far as you can in arena, your strategy should involve considering how you rank up your 4* champions: