Killmonger's indestructible charges - bugged or working as intended?

I've noticed today that killmonger's losing more than one indestructible charge when getting hit with sp3.. is that a bug? as far as I remember I've always used those charges to tank sp3 especially against hype, but today in aq hype's sp3 took off 2 charges instead of the usual I missing something here??
The damage source is considered as one. So the first Charge is used to negate all damage.
But the charges go away with "every" Hit. Also into block.
When a multiple sp3 leaves the defender with (example) 5 Hits on his combo meter, defintly the charges have to be gone. How should it be other ways?
The Text says every Hit. So Show me a Screenshot After said cyclops sp3 with 25 Hits on combo Meter, having 2 indestructable charges on km. That would be very strange.
That was never the case, sp 3 always counts as one hit
I'm still hoping they acknowledge this as a bug and fix it