Killmonger's indestructible charges - bugged or working as intended?

I've noticed today that killmonger's losing more than one indestructible charge when getting hit with sp3.. is that a bug? as far as I remember I've always used those charges to tank sp3 especially against hype, but today in aq hype's sp3 took off 2 charges instead of the usual I missing something here??


  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    He loses one charge per hit on the sp3. If the sp3 hits more than 4 times, it removes all charges and still deals no damage. For example, KM only loses one charge against colossus and two against hyperion. He loses all against war machine or medusa
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I've only ever lost one charge due to sp3. Maybe I need to try it out more to see if I'm missing it but I could have sworn it was just one charge for the whole event.
  • ManfréaBolgenManfréaBolgen Member Posts: 139

    He loses one charge per hit on the sp3. If the sp3 hits more than 4 times, it removes all charges and still deals no damage. For example, KM only loses one charge against colossus and two against hyperion. He loses all against war machine or medusa

    was that always the case? cause I could've sworn that sp3 used to take only 1 charge no matter how many hits...
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    Don't know of this thread gets checked, but I still only lose the one
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    He should work same as indestructible boost
  • InfinityM04InfinityM04 Member Posts: 118
    Anytime I've used KM against Hype, he's always lost 2 charges. And he's lost all his charges with SP3's that had 3+ hits. I'm pretty sure this has always been the case.
  • edited July 2019
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  • JCBRJCBR Member Posts: 43
    What I remember is he only loses 1 charge of indestructible no matter how many hits he's getting from the sp3 because sp3's are considered as "single source" of damage
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    But hit counts for multi-strike SP3 go up by more than 1. Pretty much the only thing I like about Cyclops is watching those 25 hits get placed on the counter during his SP3.
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  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    You should separate the charges from the damage.
    The damage source is considered as one. So the first Charge is used to negate all damage.

    But the charges go away with "every" Hit. Also into block.
    When a multiple sp3 leaves the defender with (example) 5 Hits on his combo meter, defintly the charges have to be gone. How should it be other ways?

    The Text says every Hit. So Show me a Screenshot After said cyclops sp3 with 25 Hits on combo Meter, having 2 indestructable charges on km. That would be very strange.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    How does it work for multi-hit heavies?
  • edited July 2019
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  • Crine60Crine60 Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★
    Can we get a moderator response on if this is working correctly?
  • hiddenblizzardhiddenblizzard Member Posts: 506 ★★

    He loses one charge per hit on the sp3. If the sp3 hits more than 4 times, it removes all charges and still deals no damage. For example, KM only loses one charge against colossus and two against hyperion. He loses all against war machine or medusa

    Where dA hEcK are you going bro?
    That was never the case, sp 3 always counts as one hit
  • ManfréaBolgenManfréaBolgen Member Posts: 139
    still waiting for this to be resolved.... if it was an intentional change would it be too much to ask for a confirmation?
    I'm still hoping they acknowledge this as a bug and fix it
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
    Long time killmonger player here( got a R2 6* for context). He’s always worked like this. If the SP3 has 1 or 2 hits, it only takes off those charges. Any more than that and it has always consumed them all
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