Buff Oldtron to make LOL worth the effort without hurting those who already did it - This will work!

Hey dev team, please hear me out. I 100% Labyrinth of Legends over a year ago, but to this day, most of my team mates haven’t because the rewards no longer balance with the effort. If you buff the snot out Ultron (Classic), then you can create an incentive for players to complete the content again. And, you can do it without penalizing the players who already did it. It would probably be a fun rework for the devs too. Maybe lose the poison and evade and instead give him shock abilities and some big damage potential. Maybe he could be the first rework to get persistent charges of some sort. I hope you like the idea. I wouldn’t worry about over powering him because the players that already have him likely have super powerful champs in their roster anyways. He’s a fun champ to play, but he’s fallen behind much like Ultron (AOU).
Thanks for considering it,
Thanks for considering it,