Stealth Suit Spidey Bugged
Hi, Stealth Suit Spidey’s pre fight ability is bugged. I selected Web foam ability and it loaded flash bang. I have a video showing this (can’t be attached). This has happened to me several times before, but as I did not have video evidence I couldn’t rule out user error. I run the unstoppable path in AW, so this is a very costly bug. If this is known about, please verify that it is no longer safe to use the new Spidey? I would obviously like to see this fixed ASAP as my new champ is now useless. Many resources (revives, potions and boosts) have already been wasted in AW, not to mention the deaths this has incurred my alliance. I’m sure I’m not the only person to experience this. Regards
Also, if you have video to share, you can post it on youtube and post a link to it here, or send it to a moderator.
O2 carrier
Latest game version
Tier 2 war, node 3 against Thing.
The video has been sent to Kabam via a support ticket.
One month later... still broken 🙁
No mention of compensation.
No acknowledgement of bug from the development team; and thus no idea when he can be use in AW attack again.