6.2 Champion Healing at 10% and below

As stated in the title, I’ve spent untold units trying to drop this clown and instead of having to dex the normal 5 times after his SP1 and a launch my special 3, I’m having to do it numerous times because my dex doesn’t count towards a prowess because he keeps yo-yoing above 10%. I’m assuming this got severely broken in the update.
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At 10% with red icon.
Just a couple frames later, above 10% health, red icon gone, dexes don’t count.
Seriously, I want compensation for this
By the way, this was not happening before. [Maybe] the new update did something unexpected?
The update (or something else) messed things up.
What is the issue with his regen now? As he would regen previously anyway...
But anyway I already exit and lost around 1000 coins
https://ss3.onlinevideoconverter.com/download?file=d3g6j9i8c2f5j9f5 and this video last 10%
I can this happening if you went for a one shot