Corvus took bleed damage from caltrops in AW, regen boost didn’t work.

I just took bleed damage from caltrops on node 38 in AW using Corvus with glaive charges, where I should have healed from willpower. I also had a combat regen boost active for two fights that did not heal me. I should have come out with full health, or at least a good amount, and instead took a death.. we’ve also had alliance members lose ABs from the game freezing while loading the fight. The game has been constant bugs and lag since the update.
(sorry if my english is bad)
Now, I'm no Corvus expert. I don't have a 5 or 6* let alone even a 4*. I just tested my 3* in the EQ vs Iceman and it appears his Coldsnap Immunity is active. I used him for a quick run in 5.2.4 vs Venom on Caltrops and didn't see any Bleed damage. So, is there something different about the AW Caltrops? Or is this just an ongoing intermittent issue?
This is a bug in that sense. How could Colossus be allowed to inflict bleeds and get the deep wounds in without touching Corvus.