Item use - back to top of screen
When using things like sig stones from inventory, it takes you back to the very top of the screen. VERY annoying during item use solo event when you have a hoard of all the different sig stones saved to use and have to scroll down each time. In autopilot could accidentally click something the same colour and use an awakening gem by accident too.
Game sends you back to the top of the screen after using any item. Before the update when u used an item, screen was remaining where it was.
@Kabam Vydious
I'm sorry to hear there hasn't been any response back on this, however, is there any chance we can get video of what is happening here to go along with what you are reporting? I'll pass this along regardless to our team so that they can possibly take a look at what is going on.
Hopefully that works (p.s putting my Thing on sig 61 for evidence severely messes with my OCD)
But new problem (regarding this thread) seems to be happening for example from Inventory Screen and applying a bunch of XP Boosts over and over (just to use for Item Use Event). It never used to Reset you back to the top of the inventory screen after applying each item from Inventory Screen. THIS IS THE NEW BUG regarding jumping back to top.
after we use one item, when it takes you automatically out of that item use screen back into items. for some reason now it puts you at the top of all of the items- so to use the item next to the other one we have to scroll through all the items again to get to the bottom.
for item use event we all use our signature level gems, I use 2,3,4 and 5* signature stones of each class, that's not including the X2 or x5 sig stones which are also seperate categories. (Potentially over 30 potential different signature stone types to use) These items are near the bottom of the item list screen, it used to be after I used - for example - a tech 2* signature stone, the screen reappeared in the same place so I could immediately use the 3* signature stone next to it. Now I have to scroll through all of the items to get back to the bottom of the screen to use that 3* signature stone, so to use all potential 30+ signature stones takes significantly longer than it ever did
Video Of Bug
And continuing it in this Thread because Kabam had replied specifically asking for clarification in this thread (don't know what other thread may have mentioned them working on the issue).
Kabam response was that Boosts are UNREFUNDABLE once used (even though I was not doing any fighting so didn't benefit from the SP Cosmic Boost.
Please FIX this problem of “Jumping back to Top of Item Screen” after every time of using an Item. (While you’re at it, FIX it while in the pre-fight or quest map “Use Boost” screen as well). Would be nice if this would be fixed by the time next Item Use Event rolls around again.
Why would you do this?
Also, unrelated, can we have a back button in AW/AQ for godssake? One wrong press or any mistake and u risk ruining the entire event for 29 other people. This is just stupid.