Suidice Masteries?!

spidey31415926spidey31415926 Member Posts: 148
Okay so I've been heavily contemplating investing in suicide masteries since I have a 5/65 sig 200 Ghost (w/ wasp and ant to pair with) but is it worth it? Please help me decide

Suidice Masteries?! 23 votes

Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
RagamugginGunnerHENRIQUE_FORTELvernon15spidey31415926Diksh619Battle_GreninjaGrootman1294Masquerade1981LordRaymond3B_Dizzle_01Mathking13CUBTony886z2313457MassapealH3t3rNimorGiodood_1Nightbat214groundedmaster20005 20 votes
Eh nah save your resources fellow player
KossukoseGeaux7The_Watcher 3 votes


  • Mathking13Mathking13 Member Posts: 988 ★★★
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
    I don't think Suicide Masteries are the first thing a new player should invest into, but it's definitely a nice thing to have.
    If you're willing to invest the time to get the units for it, then it's very worthwhile. But imo, it's one of the last 'premium' masteries you should invest in.
  • spidey31415926spidey31415926 Member Posts: 148
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot

    I don't think Suicide Masteries are the first thing a new player should invest into, but it's definitely a nice thing to have.
    If you're willing to invest the time to get the units for it, then it's very worthwhile. But imo, it's one of the last 'premium' masteries you should invest in.

    I've been playing for almost 2 years and the only reason I've been contemplating suicide masteries is because ghost will just convert them into furies at the start of the fight but it'll impact my other questing champs (besides rogue, Emma and hyp, respectively) which is why I'm so on edge about it. With people who have suidices running what are heir thoughts?
  • plpkokplpkok Member Posts: 152
    You need to manage how you use special attacks if you get suicides as you will need to unlock recoil.
  • spidey31415926spidey31415926 Member Posts: 148
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
    plpkok said:

    You need to manage how you use special attacks if you get suicides as you will need to unlock recoil.

    Understandable, but I figure ghosts sp2 would just innahilate
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★
    Suicides are great depending on your top champs. I have Ghost, Corvus, Namor, OR, Sentinel, Hype, Medusa who are all good for it. But also have Blade, Sparky, CapIW and Cull who it makes much worse. If you see yourself having to switch them on and off a lot then don’t do it. I keep them on because I can easily do all content with them (AQ, AW, Questing, etc).

    You get used to only using SP3s or just trying to end fights with SP1 or 2s.
  • spidey31415926spidey31415926 Member Posts: 148
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot

    Suicides are great depending on your top champs. I have Ghost, Corvus, Namor, OR, Sentinel, Hype, Medusa who are all good for it. But also have Blade, Sparky, CapIW and Cull who it makes much worse. If you see yourself having to switch them on and off a lot then don’t do it. I keep them on because I can easily do all content with them (AQ, AW, Questing, etc).

    You get used to only using SP3s or just trying to end fights with SP1 or 2s.

    These are some of my top which is why I'm on edge I know Ghost would benefit along with Emma hyp rogue (to a degree) but I use wasp and ant (for quantum trinity)

  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
    If you're at the point of the game where you have a sig 200 Ghost, you really shouldn't be asking this question...
  • spidey31415926spidey31415926 Member Posts: 148
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot

    If you're at the point of the game where you have a sig 200 Ghost, you really shouldn't be asking this question...

    Well the thing is how would the rest of me team do....
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
    I would do it. Ghost can take almost any content. And she’s the most suicide friendly in the game. Only champ who takes no bleed or poison damag eor recoil damage. Plus you have omega and Aegon who are gold for suicides as well. Once awakened.
  • CliffordcanCliffordcan Member Posts: 1,341 ★★★★

    These are some of my top which is why I'm on edge I know Ghost would benefit along with Emma hyp rogue (to a degree) but I use wasp and ant (for quantum trinity)

    Yeah, you have a good squad for Suicides
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Yes it is!!! You have a ghost idiot
    I hated them for years. I now have r5 Ghost, OR, Corvus, Thing, Namor, Darkhawk, OGV, GR and r2 Domino among others so I basically have to run them.
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