Still something missing ....

AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
I was wondering why I still can't close a 100% uncollected monthly event. Lack of skill or list?


  • AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2019
    Here friend.

    We can’t tell without a pic of your roster and story progression

  • AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
    I still depend on amplifiers to complete. This month, however, I closed 3.1 100% only with my effort.
  • SuperGoodSuperGood Member Posts: 128
    With your specific top champs I can see why you’d have trouble with Warlock. Using units to power through for the rewards is a legitimate way to finish exploration. Boost up for warlock, complete some dailies for a revive, don’t be afraid to start a path over (far left took me a few goes), and power through! I think you could pull it off it may just cost some units!
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,314 ★★★★★
    edited August 2019

    I'd say you should be able to do it, especially considering that you have medusa and 900+ units. I finished 100% with the roster you can see and used up about 4-5 lvl 2 single revives for ghost. Oh and lol quake's name is Tremor 😂

    Edit: didn't have nebula by that time
  • Immortal_148Immortal_148 Member Posts: 34
    @AndTav you have a great set of champs just gather units around 2000 and then go for act 5 100% it would work
  • AndTavAndTav Member Posts: 261
    Yes, Tremor is the Portuguese translation :#

    I'd say you should be able to do it, especially considering that you have medusa and 900+ units. I finished 100% with the roster you can see and used up about 4-5 lvl 2 single revives for ghost. Oh and lol quake's name is Tremor 😂

    Edit: didn't have nebula by that time

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