Game down again



  • ThatsausageThatsausage Member Posts: 214

    Its down again @Kabam Miike
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike what's the point of 30 minute timers in AQ when your entire team is dead? Or better yet... can't even get into the game?
  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    problem is how is kabam addressing the issue that we are losing fights in aq. when you win and thanks to kabam's crashing, you lose health instead, and pots have to be used instead to heal and fight the same fight when server is up and hopefully it doesnt crash again..
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,757 ★★★★★


  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    giving a 30min time may be good to catch the lost time. but it doesn't help in the health lost for no reason , thanks to a server crash for taking the health away.
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  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Sorry to rain on you @Kabam Miike, can we halt the game for an extended period of time while investigations and fixes are carried out? Summoners are losing 1/2 health each time your server goes down and when they heal back up it happens again. Compensation can be discussed later but I think it is only ethical you don't bring the servers back up till you are sure the problem is fixed.

    Today's repeated server issues have no doubt reap in some profits for Kabam so I guess it is only fair for you guys to notify everyone thru game mail on what has happened and to provide some sort of compensation. Not everyone has access to the forums because of language barriers and I for one would want my community of Asian players to feel confident that Kabam cares and takes responsibility for their problems.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Oh my God, RIP 4* hood. All my time spent grinding was for nothing since I'm missing my last session to put me over 4 mil. Guess I'll just do it early tomorrow morning, because this is just nonsense. I am OUT
  • JaazzzarJaazzzar Member Posts: 13
    Game down again??? Or just lagging?????
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 365 ★★★
    This is just absolutely laughable and none of this in their (Kabams) minds warrants any compensation what so ever. Yeah we got the emergency activation of 30 minute AQ timers sure but that doesn't do anything for those that got kicked mid AQ fights, kicked mid arena fight, disconnected in same fights, disconnected/kicked mid quest fight. It's just fantastic how easy it is to alter the recharge timers but giving proper compensation when due is just the hardest thing to give for these guys.
  • MastaChief117MastaChief117 Member Posts: 113
    Hey Everybody,

    I talked to the team about the issues that we all encountered today, and discussed how this affected everybody. We still have to talk more about this tomorrow, but I'm happy to say that we are now issuing the 30 Minute timers for Alliance Quests for all Players.

    We're sorry about the effect that this has had on all of you, and the inconvenience this has caused.

    This is beyond ridiculous and y'all know it. I like to joke on the forums but five times? FIVE TIMES! Come on Michael, Man of Kabam, tell the game team to get it together man. In all seriousness, this game is headed straight to the ground because of stuff like this. The game ran smoother 2 years ago! If it's time to throw in the towel so be it but don't continue to give us a half effort job. And yes, I am tagging @Kabam Miike to this. Brethren and Sistren? (correct me someone) join me in praying for Marvel Contest of Champions to return to it's former glory.
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    Hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but anyone else find it strange that this is happening on the Hood arena just like it did with the Voodoo arena?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,132 ★★★★★
    At least I made the T4B cutoff, was hoping to take the milestones in the 4* arena too, looks like that aint happening.

    Oh well, I'll keep plugging away on the monthly quest. Nope, can't do that either.
  • Adroit_DemonAdroit_Demon Member Posts: 2
    Dear support team,
    Thank you for DUCKING my 2 champs while playing AQ cause of your awesome "Server Maintainance"
    I appreciate your work! Keep doing it and let my 3rd champ get duck off.
  • bryant010887bryant010887 Member Posts: 8
    ZzyzxGuy wrote: »
    Hate to be a conspiracy theorist, but anyone else find it strange that this is happening on the Hood arena just like it did with the Voodoo arena?

    voodoo arena went down 1 time only but for a long period, so it didn't affect AQ at all since noone could fight. Unlike this, 5 time within 6 hours and kick people out of AQ mid fight, people constantly using health pots since we lost 1/2 HP everytime
  • JaazzzarJaazzzar Member Posts: 13
    Now I can't login, getting this message "problems connecting to network, check your connection" but at the same time I can post in forums using the same connection!!!!!csnv4eaqjlcw.png
  • TwistedEnigma17TwistedEnigma17 Member Posts: 69
    Yes this sucks but we will obviously be getting some sort of compensation for this. Probably pots and revives so there is no point in complaining. Everyone should be used to this by now.
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    I can't login
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Game down.....again.
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    The timer needs to be removed @Kabam Miike
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    edited August 2017
    You all should just extend AQ 1 day and give everybody thats in arena that champ as well as a t4 for those in t4 arena. One champ wont hurt you guys. All that grinding gone to waste and I have to pull a double tomorrow -_-
  • JaazzzarJaazzzar Member Posts: 13
    Game down again, another maintenance going on, really frustrating...g0t1p0po6k65.png
  • Dzl247Dzl247 Member Posts: 5
    Game down for the i don t know how many times today. Payed 10k bchips for t4b and now i m not going to get it if this keeps going on plus our bg s won t finish aq!!! Come on fix this damn thing! Seriously this has to happen on and on and on after all the money you gain from us purchusing deals?? Come on!!
  • ChampkillerBatmanChampkillerBatman Member Posts: 150
    Its Doc Oc man hes animations are to good to be true standing there with his fidgeting plotting hands lol
  • BrandoniusBrandonius Member Posts: 292
    Ffs I thought it was safe. Wrong.
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    You all should just extend AQ 1 day and give everybody thats in arena that champ as well as a t4 for those in t4 arena. One champ wont hurt you guys. All that grinding gone to waste and I have to pull a double tomorrow -_-
    Honestly this guy is on to something. One champ isn't going to hurt you guys. Anyone that has already reached rank rewards should just get the champ. It won't kill you guys kabam! And yes I say only people that have reached ranked rewards because it's really not a high mark to hit and it is the last night. As far as aq some pots and revives and an extension of one day should be thought about.

  • Dino7878Dino7878 Member Posts: 32
    kabam seriously has to come up with some form of rectification for this, wasted bc, arena wasted, aq wasted, pots wasted. what more does kabam want? spend more $$ to catch up when server is up for that 30mins to an hour?
  • LifeStyleGBLifeStyleGB Member Posts: 23
    30 minutes timer compensation, Nothing for the arena losses and time Lost on them due to disconnects. Not to even mention the health or champion losses in AQ due to them but of course you guys choose to just change timers as it is easier for you disregarding completely other 2 factors. I know it is not your fault Mike but in the same time you should be fighting this cause for us too, don't you think as a player yourself this stuff is just Not fair on us? What are we to spend all our units or glory or saved up pots revs because of something that we had Nothing to do with???
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    Bonze9 wrote: »
    Jabbawokky wrote: »
    You all should just extend AQ 1 day and give everybody thats in arena that champ as well as a t4 for those in t4 arena. One champ wont hurt you guys. All that grinding gone to waste and I have to pull a double tomorrow -_-
    Honestly this guy is on to something. One champ isn't going to hurt you guys. Anyone that has already reached rank rewards should just get the champ. It won't kill you guys kabam! And yes I say only people that have reached ranked rewards because it's really not a high mark to hit and it is the last night. As far as aq some pots and revives and an extension of one day should be thought about.

    @Kabam Miike thoughts on bringing this to the game team?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,132 ★★★★★
    Now im really annoyed.

    Game craps out in monthly quest at the fight screen. Comes back on and i begrudgingly accept a half health hit and defeat the AI.

    Now I have to fight the same fight again. Whats up with that?
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